raprap wrote:Microevolution is an adoption of ID, that was invented by a Soviet Lamarkist. Evolutionary Biology and Evolutionary Genetics doesn't differentiate between micro and macroevolution---there is only evolution.
The microevolution argument is another strawman of convenance. But then I've said this to you before.
The first time I ever saw the word 'microevolution' was in a Scientific American article. They seemed to have no trouble with the word, though I couldn't understand why it became necessary to replace the perfectly good word 'adaptation'. I just figured it was a feeble attempt to convert religious fence sitters. Micro><Macro=same thing.
After reading all the posts by my religious friends in this forum, I can certainly understand why evolutionarians have disdain for any competing explanations of reality. In a way, I'm dumbfounded. The religionist arguments are jejune, yet I have difficulty articulating the viability of my own approach. (Which is neither unique nor complex - it's just not widely known)
I shall continue reading and cogitating until I can add something of value. Until then, let me leave you with my broken record speech: Organized religion is the chief obstacle to human enlightenment and the cause of every abomination known to history. But that does not relieve us of an obligation to God.