Ah...Yes. A perfect example of the point I have been trying to make. ( "...'education going way off the deep end..." /"...teachers trying to look like geniuses" You demonstrated by your first response that you are a typical example of the reason students end up seeking help at this sight. Even though your profile page says that you were a teacher, your only words were "Good luck with your homework." This is an example of the state of "education" in 2019. "Teachers", instead of teaching, tell their students
"Here is your assignment. You have the answers on your computer. (Somewhere) Now, go find the answers." So, seeking knowledge, the student attempts to find answers by asking "experts". The first answer the student got was essentially "Sorry, wrong place. Keep trying." (from a "teacher")
I don't claim to be an expert in anthropology. I merely (at least) tried to offer what I believed to be my understanding about the beginnings of civilization. If you know that something I wrote was incorrect, please correct me. If you have any useful information to present on the subject, please do so. If your only purpose is to insult me, please don't waste your time.