Tue 11 Mar, 2003 08:57 am
Because news of the universal phenomena seem to be of some interest, but not enough to initiate long conversations, I thought I'd start a news thread. Link to here, news articles about dark matter, black holes, nebulae, nutrinos..... etc etc etc
The universe as a donut - or a cyclindar - or a toroid. Phycisists have recently published new data based on which some are saying the universe may be donut shaped.
MMmmmm Dooonuuuutsss
Heres's an article in Todays's NYT that might be of interest:
haha! That's the same link I posted.
Very interesting stuff. Mind if I just hang around and watch?
Did you read that astronomers have detected a sound that was made just before the Big Bang?
It sounded like "OOPS!"
or maybe "Hey y'all, watch this!"
A donut of a few dimension higher than the usual one.
Quote:The universe as a donut
Don't tell the cops they will try to eat it.