Sat 30 Apr, 2005 11:31 pm
Near Perfect "Einstein Ring" Discovered
Quote:Summary - (Apr 29, 2005) Gravitational lensing happens when the gravity of a relatively close galaxy acts as a telescope lens to focus the light from a more distant galaxy. It allows astronomers to see distant objects they could never have a hope of observing with current instruments, essentially looking back to moments after the Big Bang (cosmically speaking). The galaxies are never perfectly lined up, though, and the "natural telescope" is a bit blurry. But now astronomer Remi Cabanac has found one of the most complete lenses ever discovered: a near perfect Einstein Ring, magnifying a distant galaxy with incredible clarity.
2 points
firstly, that's cool, what galaxies are they?
secondly. Your post here is more ike a small news article or blog as opposed to a section where people can try to add to the facts, you should learn HTML or XHTML and create your own website for this sort of thing.
Yes, DrewDad. You should have created a Web site if you wanted to post that.

I create special Web sites for all of my posts.
Yeah. I could even link to the actual article and maybe have a place where folks could discuss stuff.
hey, i was just saying that the thing you posted is more of a blog that an actual conversation starter, look, the entire thread has just been about insulting me so you can see that i'm right. And you haven't answered my question, which galaxies are involved??? I'm sorry if I offended you, but I was just trying to make a point. and for the record, i'm 14 and dont feel the need to waste my time, or other people's, by getting a free invitation to join mensa (IQ of 150+).
and I didn't say that you should make new sites for everyting, make one site for all your stuff, I did. That discpvery of the einstein ring is cool, and I would be inclined to find out more about it, and other topics, if the info was localised into say one webpage full of all of "drewdad's fagtastic discoveries".
sorry, didn;t meat that typo, should have been fantastic! :wink:
makz 18 wrote:hey, i was just saying that the thing you posted is more of a blog that an actual conversation starter...
Okay, that was the initiation. Welcome to A2K. Please don't take the fairly good natured ribbing too seriously.
From the sound of your posts, it seems like you're a bit bigheaded for a 14 year-old.
Quote:The lens galaxy is a giant elliptical similar to M87 in the Virgo-Coma cluste
Oh...please. To compare the lens galaxy to M87 is a bit of a reach.
After 100 years of the special relativity, the general relativity is getting force.
And admiral relativity is not far behind.
Damn! I can't believe I said that. Must be tired.