Joanne, you are right. Us BiG CitY Boys tend to thing that cow pats are what you get at McDs od Burger King. Well wash my mouth out with soap and water
That play Dlow is all done without a safety net or rehearsal
I was noticing pueo's new avatar. Nice avatar, pueo. It reminds me of the very first digression thread way back when on abuzz. Actually, I remember the when. It was soon after 9/11. Deb gave us something to divert us, amuse us, and engage us. Somehow the topic turned to owls. Are they wise? Or do they just look wise? Turns out that owls hung out with Athena, the goddess of wisdom. So they are wise by association.
The owls! I remember the owls!
To wit or to woo that is the question ?
Wit woos warmly, wildly, wondrously, wisely well!
Whoo oooh!
In that case, since I have never had a serious thought....well maybe one...
If you can't drink and drive, why do pubs have parking lots ?
Saves on grass mowing expenses?
I don't THINK people sell carboots in carparks!
Hiama - the majority here may not know what a boot is! heehee.
Hey Deb, a boot is a trunk. Just because I'm from Noo Yawk doesn't mean I don't know what a boot is. Or a rubber or a lift.
As for bars and parking lots. What's the alternative? Drive-through bars? You gotta stop to have a drink. Otherwise, the booze might spill.
In my hometown, neither bars nor pubs have parking lots. They have sidewalks.
Is that a sidewalk or a sidestumble ? hic !
I was not thinking today (again), until I saw this bumper sticker a few minues ago:
"What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about!?!?!?!"
Horrid thought,
Then yum yum thats what I say !
Hokey Pokey
This is a favorite Kiwi recipe for a delicious sweet treat. In the U.S. we call it peanut brittle as we add about a cups worth of raw peanuts when the baking soda is added. You can try that as well but in New Zealand we like it just fine without the peanuts, thank you.
5 TBS sugar
2 TBS golden syrup (or corn syrup, although it won't be true hokey pokey... look in specialty shops for real golden syrup)
1 tsp baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)
Bring sugar and golden syrup to the boil slowly in a large heavey saucepan, stirring all the time as it will burn easily. After it starts to foam up, simmer gently over a very low heat for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally and still watching it carefully. Remove from heat and add baking soda quickly until it foams up and pour at once into a greased pan or onto a piece of aluminium foil with the edges turned up.
Break it into bits when cold and store in air-tight jars. Be sure to save all the crumbles so that you can top your ice cream with them to make Hokey Pokey Ice-cream.
seems to me it needs some spicing up, chili, curry. corianda, carbonara, crucuses, cornflower, all that sort of stuff and don't forget we charcoal dog biscuits and a truck or should that be lorry loaded with beer
Hmmmmm - I do not think I could survive if the Hokey Pokey WERE what it is all about!
You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out....
I don't know D, I think you'd be fine!
Hmmmmmm - but have you any logical or empirical basis for your thought?