very helpful. especially the cat. i will sneak it into the czech medieval history somewhere...
Please send me a copy when you finish. I've always been particularly fond of the role cats played in Czech medieval history.
To say the least... they were integral.
dagmaraka wrote:I thought recently that I learnt from my past mistakes. On Wednesday I thought I would spend all day writing a conference paper, so that I had enough time to revise it and beautify it. I thought the same everyday since. It is now Sunday night, or rather Monday morning, and the paper is due today. I have about 10 pages. At least 20 more to go. My garden is raked, fridge, stove, microwave are sparkling clean, plants are replanted into bigger pots, but my paper is unwritten. Lord have mercy and let me pull this off one more time. Just this last time, I promise!
Ah Dagglepuss! You are my psychic twin.
If only I knew, after all these years of the same horror, how to help you.
Alas, I cannot help myself...
Some of us is thinkers and some of us is doers
I think therefore I am in the **** cos I ain't done the paper
I done the paper therefore I think I am not in the ****
I think we stayed way too late at the Oscar party last night.
I am not thinking at all right now. I am on auto-pilot.
Really. Speaking og that, I looked at a flight simulator thingy - not just modern aircraft, but lots of historical ones - anyone know if it is any good?
The best flight simulator I know if is gravity when acting at a great distance from the ground.
Dog: That's a flight stimulator, you're talking about. Thus far, although many people have tried to sprout wings when falling from a great height none have succeeded, excepting the ones who do succeed after landing.
That's two digressions in a row in which you've posted "hmmmmm" . . .
What, you just paddin' yer record?
Dammit. I didn't think of that. I'd rather be trimming the damn thing...
A slim, trim coney . . . good idea, less appeal to the hunterly types . . .
Where are all those ill-wishers who doubted me?! after an extension and 5 days of physical hell, working 8am - 4am every day, I produced 70+ pages of text! It is not a page turner yet, but it's a hop ahead. Now I have to shorten it to 20 pages for the conference... piece of cake... So I was thinking today: where is justice in this world? Why was I able to get away with this yet again? Sad state of affairs, what is this world coming to...
Today someone asked me the past tense of think. I thought and thought and thought some more and told him "thunk"
That's a2k for ya, super g!!! it sticks and then you won't get it out of your brain ever!
Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.
Miniver Cheevy, born too late,
Scratched his head and kept on thinking;
Miniver coughed, and called it fate,
And kept on drinking.
-- Edwin Arlington Robinson
Gorgeous dag !! mwah Mwah how have you been darling ?
I took a trip to hell, but didn't like it, so I came back!