Sat 16 Apr, 2005 05:08 am
If I see a chunky-to-fat chick, who's face looks like it's been mercilessly beaten with a wok, I may refer to her as a "troll."
Or, you live under a bridge, and your lifelong motivation is obtaining herbs, spices, and gold.
I think you're gonna need some make-up.
He is no troll.
He's just a hobbit gone wrong!
I guess you qualify as a troll if you use troll highways and troll bridges and pay money at their troll collection booths. Or if you eat troll house cookies.
I'm sorry, Gollum
I never meant to hurt you-ou
But you can kiss that ring bye-bye
'Cause tonight
I'm stealin' like a hobbit . . .
by the Great Luke Ski, visit him at Edit [Moderator]: Link removed
Have we helped yet, Odd Socks?
Thing is - I am ALMOST sure they don't wear socks - even odd ones.
It is just - well - un-trollian.
Jeezus H, set are you sellin some crap on the 'net that they pull your link?
Trolls on A2k are fairly easily spotted, they are fairly well subject aligned and often , what appear as 2 personalities, seem to share the same series of rather arcane and (sometimes) insane, links. Remember the "bear" that we outed set? he had another identity on that same thread.
Trolls really blow. Theres a thread now that appears to be peopled by the same person posing as 2 different individuals. Cant swear to it, butIm convinced , especially from the "questioned documents" forensic perspective.
When 2 different ids use same speech patterns and share a common word pattern, its either a great mimic , or its a troll a blowin.
he's not sellin' and he definitely won't be buyin' that
I gotta get me one of them speech patterns (maybe two)
I got 2 for the price of 3 at the Dysfunctional Vietnam Veterans Annex (personalites and shadows optional at extra cost)
They only have them on "2fer" tuesdays.
I always had some suspicion about him......
Just don't believe it when he tries to blame me for all his trollian eccentricities.