I would imagine that, if such a huge building were proposed in any of the 50 US states or Canada, local, as well as state regs would buttheads with the proposal. Siting criteria involve proving that the building is geotechnically sound and all the infrastructure is proven technology. Planning Commissions and County govts are very risk averse groups. If there isnt an ASTM standard that even remotely covers the concept, Id look forward to years of fighting it out to the satisfaction of govt and citizen groups.
Even my concept of a subterranean big box would be well fought over .
"individual columns" If the bottom of a column moves with respect to the other columns, the adjustment must be allowed all along the length without breaking something. Perhaps all possible designs are variations on column design? Can we figure it is a column even if it is tilted 25 degrees from vertical? Likely we call it something else.
Optimising becomes essential when we get close to limiting strength of the materials being used. Sorry I have not learned large scale architecture, so I am shooting from the hip. Neil