If you know their last name you might be able to find it in the phone book.....
Is there any way that Craven or jespah could find out how to contact her through her regsitration?
Dys, Look in your hatband.
No, the other side next to the toothpicks.
Is that it?
hey, have we seen shewolf lately? Any news?
I just sent her an email. But if she isn't on A2K, chances are she isn't going to check email. Sigh.
Ok, the email I sent came back....I guess she doesn't use that one anymore....
I IM'ed her on Yahoo. Maybe she will check?
Now I'm getting worried. She didn't say anything about going somewhere?
<fret, fret>
Nope. Not that I can remember. Anyone else remember anything?
<<wildly searching threads>>
I think I have PDiddie's email addy and phone.
Hmm, shall I ask him by email to call you, Dys and Diane? or shall I pm you his number (I know you had it once, from the SF meet data).
I could phone him but I sound like a horse chestnut. Er, hoarse chest nut. No, no, anyway, I sound like a wacko with postcoldcoughlaryngitis.
I have not seen her on AOL aim in a long time
Bella Dea wrote:Nope. Not that I can remember. Anyone else remember anything?
<<wildly searching threads>>
I skimmed the last 12 pages of her posts. I didn't see anything. Seems she would have mentioned it if it were planned.
It makes sense that it is a computer problem..
I'm sure that Diane and dys know that shewolf had a stroke. I'm really concerned now, because I missed this thread and went searching for her myself.
Husker, this was some time back that she was talking about having had a stroke. I PMed her with some info. Sorry, didn't mean to alarm everyone. It just made me go searching for her myself as she and I always kidded around about the "resident witch" thing.
ok - I'll relax then - but still be concerned
er, um.... she did mention she was having some progressive spelling problems on the med board and wondered if it was a complication of her stroke.
I'm still voting on a surprise vacation and she'll be back on Monday!
I hope she'll be back ... she's fun.
There's no reason to be concerned about shewolf. She's just going through a little bit of A2K burnout, kind of like BiPolarBear did. She'll be back eventually.
Hell, maybe she'll bring the Bear with her.
Gus, I hope you're right, but I'd like to know for sure.