howdy .
im here . im ok.
In fact I couldnt be better,
Jillian took a horrid fall last week.
Fell between the metal rings of a ladder on the playground and hit the base of her skull right where it connects with her spine.
Her neck was swelled and purple for the longest time.
I thought for sure there would be some real trauma but.. >big sigh of relief< she is fine.
I on the other hand have never been so f-kn scared in my life.
But all is well in the Bean world.
Computer got a terrible trojan virus that slammed even my phone line.

We didnt have a dial tone for 3 days.
Wierdest thing... ?
But we are here, we are ok.
Sorry I wasnt able to post for a while.
Had to keep Bean sort of subdued and still until the swelling in her kneck went down. Talk about a task!