On monday...

Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 09:58 am
On monday Id like everybody to tell us what the most enjoyable thing they did over the weekend.
Or the worst thing.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,268 • Replies: 31
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 05:08 pm
I had a brilliant weekend. I built myself a time machine on Sunday and have just used it to come back to Friday so I can do it all again, although I think I'm now stuck in an infernal time loop.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 05:09 pm
Say, your lordship. I need a favor. Get me the numbers for the Florida Lotto on Saturday night.?
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 05:13 pm
OK.....I will tell you the numbers last Thursday.
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material girl
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 02:34 am
I met friends for lunch on Saturday and had a good time.But Sunday was completely wasted.

id love a time machine.
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 02:39 am
Wrote to Big Dice who hasn't been posting much. Prepped the hall for paint and went to the grocery store.$280 worth. We were down to bread heels.
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material girl
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 02:44 am
$280 worth of groceries, they must have been some imprssively huge potatoes!!!!!
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material girl
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 03:06 am
Oh,..I also bought the soundtrack to Annie which I played all weekend and had a dance/singalong to.
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 04:38 am
Friday night Mrs. Nation got that certain gleam in her eye, unfortunately it was not the certain gleam you are thinking of but rather that of the person who is intent on doing Spring Cleaning.

I was assured that I needn't participate. This assurance is always a two-edged sword because if I don't participate she gets to throw away or bag up and mispackaway hundreds of very important items that I haven't touched in two years. I fled anyway and spent the day at work helping other husband/victims of Spring Cleaning to gather supplies, that's what I do to make actual money.

Returning home with a number of new things she requested by phone, a duster, two shelving units (45 pounds), a box o'bags clear, a box o'bags blue, a box o'bags white and some Swiffer pads, not one bottle of Vodka on the list, not one, I first thought that we had been the victims of a home invasion. There were piles and stacks of stuff scattered though the living room and a huge pile of clothes on the dining room table. The cats looked at me in utter relief until they saw the two yellow bags of boxed bags. They knew life would be hopeless now that both of their kibble providers had seemed to go mad.

I decided that I would use my zen. I did deep relaxing yoga breathing. I saw in my heartlight the blue orb. I became pure peace. So when she, who must be obeyed, appeared smiling and said "I sorted your tool box." there was nothing but a sweet sound of eternity in my ears. And when she said "Could you put the units together now and also I have to show you where I want some shelves in the bathroom...." I merely followed knowing that I was one with the universe, my soul untouchable. Three and half hours later, I slept.

I don't know what she did during the night and I avoided the gaze of the people downstairs when I went out for the Sunday papers. The rest of the day was a blur of dust, cardboard box toting to the refuse room and petting the cats.

We are not done yet, she told me late in the afternoon. This was only sorting stage one, the first of an as yet unnumbered number of stages.

I beamed that certain gleam in my eye. (there was nothingness....)

Joe(has anyone seen my BB King CDs?)Nation
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 06:14 am
Hmmm.. Saturday I picked my mom up @ the airport shuttle and I did a little cleaning and I went to the grocery store..... Sunday I did a little shopping and a little cleaning and I lounged around.... I need a real vacation, the weekend just isn't long enough!!
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 06:18 am
I'm sick with a cold, so I did very little. I worked out Saturday, but haven't had the energy to do anything since.
I talk to a very good Australian friend of mine on the computer for several hours on and off over the weekend.
I went grocery shopping Saturday and have been playing lots of games on my computer.
I broke out the Vicks Vaporub last night and can you believe that I actually like the smell of the stuff? My Australian friend does too. We're both kinda funny that way.
My nose is red and sore and I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse.
Oh, and I worked on my cross stitch project on and off all weekend since it consisted of sitting on my butt.
That's about it.
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 07:25 am
Our house is like the sick ward at Andersonville, except without all thegangrene and body parts.When youre sick Theres nothing on tv worth watching except the fishing channel. One of the worts weekends Ive ever had with me and my whole family sick.

When youre sick-everything tastes like cowsh*t
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material girl
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 07:26 am
Poor Montan,i hope your little nosywose gets less red soon.I love the smell of vicks too.

Ive done something very distressing.Somehow I managed to get my cardigan sleeve in some salad cream(bit like vinegary mayo)I tried to dab it off but Im getting whiffs of it more regularly than Id like.Its not very pleasant!!!!!!!
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 07:31 am
Yep yep!!! I was just telling my mother that there wasn't a damn thing on tv all weekend and how everything tastes like something that went bad. Not nearly as bad as the taste in your mouth when you cough though. Yuk!!!

Being sick sucks!
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 07:33 am
material girl wrote:
Poor Montan,i hope your little nosywose gets less red soon.I love the smell of vicks too.

Ive done something very distressing.Somehow I managed to get my cardigan sleeve in some salad cream(bit like vinegary mayo)I tried to dab it off but Im getting whiffs of it more regularly than Id like.Its not very pleasant!!!!!!!

Thanks MG. You wanna trade? I'll take your smelly sleeve and you can have my cold :-)
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material girl
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 07:37 am
Its a deal........heeeelp....can i borrow your Vicks to cover the smell??!!!
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 07:40 am
Oh cool! I thought for sure that you'd reject that offer. You're a good sport MG :-D

< passes the Vicks over to MG>
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 07:59 am
Saturday an SOS came from hubby, and the two expert decorators (that'd be me and sozlet) were on the case. We went out to his office to finally get him settled in. Sozlet was very excited but had to be talked down from bringing ribbons and flowery fabric -- we were just arranging the furniture, actual decoration to happen later.

It was a mind-bending puzzle, how to fit X amount of furniture in Y amount of space (with X being largish and Y being smallish) with optimal utility and asthetics. Eventually, after much discussion and much testing, we settled on a quite nice configuration. This took literally hours. Sozlet contributed a mural of a cityscape on his whiteboard, with a supercouple (first supergirl, then she got married, but the name of her superhusband was never given) flying above it.

Sunday was sunny and cool and we goofed around in the yard and garden mostly. I did stuff like pulling out the old dead strands of daylily leaves, lots of little things. Sozlet planted weeds (after I'd pulled them up) and commanded me to play Rapunzel. We both found assorted creatures. (Probably NOT including a poor dead bird who I'd seen before and should have buried as it was caught in the runoff from the enormous amount of snow/rain precipitation we had on Saturday and was found in pieces on the landing of back stairs -- head there, wing there, legs there, whoknowswhat over there. Ew.)

It was actually one of the better weekends I've had in a while, though.

Best wishes to all sickies.
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 08:38 am
So glad to have done the being-sick thing last month! I hope everyone gets better soon.

We went to Rainbow Springs, a small state park where, for $1, you can swim in a natural (and very cold) freshwater spring. I got a pool noodle at the gift shop so I could float around. The whole swimming area is deeper than I can stand in, so it's either tread water or get a noodle.

The water is perfectly clear and clean, and there's a large grassy area where you can lay on a blanket and soak up the sun. All the Azaleas were in bloom. I didn't realize how stressed I was until after I'd plunged into the freezing water and dried out in the warm sun. Wonderful!

Then back to work on moving our bedroom to a much smaller room, and painting the very last bit of ceiling (which still isn't done).

A bit of grocery shopping, a lot of embroidery.... I've now stitched five pictures of different flowers in our yard, from my own photos. Also finished embroidering half a runner, and embroidered a very plain jacket I have with made-up-on-the-spot silk flowers, and they actually look good!

Mostly, delightful.
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 08:55 am
Thanks for the get well :-D

You're still painting that ceiling Shocked Laughing
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