If this is to become an argument about increasing order and the 2nd law of thermodynamics--which is disorder increasing in a closed system.
But the world (as we know it) isn't a closed system. We get energy from elsewhere (notably the sun). Consequently there can in an increase in system order as long as the Free Energy (aka Gibbs free energy) of the system is positive.
Chemical Thermodynamics this is normally expressed as
Where G is the Gibbs Free Energy
H is Enthalphy (normally heat of PV work)
T is Temperature
S is entropy
Remembering that G has to be positive, then if H is positive in an open system (able to absorb energy from somewhere), at some temperature T, S can be positive (e.g. decreasing entropy--the measure of disorder).
Now I don't know about information, but if you consider molecular structure to be akin to complexity (as in the creation of a polymeric chain) it is possible to drive an open system toward increasing order as long as the Gibbs Free Energy is positive.