Thu 24 Mar, 2005 11:36 pm
Success has it's + and -. Remember when most of the active posters knew most members by name? It was kind of like a family gathering. Now? I guess the old timers still find a way to hang out together, but there is a different focus. Then again, I could be wrong. Is there a different approach or do we still have the family gathering feeling? Perhaps, 35,000 individuals signed up but never got involved. How would you describe the March 2005 A2K experience?
'Bout the same, really. The people I know the best are still the original 300. I've met a reasonable number of them, including Mapleleaf, of course. It has been a good experience, and still is.
Yeah, most of the original gang is still here, although some of the dropouts are very conspicuous by their absence.
I think that there has been a shift in the demographics of the site. I have a sense that there are a lot more younger members on the site now. I can tell by the type of some of the threads that are being written, and the level of experience and maturity that is indicated by responses. That's fine. New blood is always good for any community.
It's more work finding really interesting threads or trying to create one (Something that I have little success in doing) and it takes awhile to figure out who's who.
Still worth participating though I've had to cut back lately. My real life calls to me occasionally..
New voices and new minds are always a good thing.
Joe(Waiting to hear from rooroo)Nation
Old ones say interesting things either.
Fran (waiting to hear from you Joe) cis.
I'd say we are very glad to have you around, Francis. Your tours of the various places in and around Paris have been very interesting. (For those who haven't partaken see Eva's Wine Cellar.)
Joe(I cannot speak of Paris, my heart grasps my throat while it weeps)Nation
New members revive old topics that have been exhausted by old members, thus, keeping the site viable. Without new blood most topics become exhausted and the site degenerates into a chat line, or worse, into Abuzz.
much much much better with more more more active members
Thanks for participating. I enjoyed reading your comments...interesting.
I love having a steady influx of new people. I have a hard time now remembering which of the people I really like were on Abuzz -- they're just people I really like. And I love that they keep appearing. And I even love having annoying newbies, as it's boring to agree all the time.
Exactly 35,591. But I could be wrong; I used to be a bean counter during my working days.
HI, Mapleleaf!!! I've been thinking of you lately for some reason. Hope you are behaving yourself. : )
I miss the deeper discussions we often engaged in on abuzz. But, the new and younger group here is very welcome. Gives us old folks a chance to have mental play and remember what it was like to be young and foolish, and had the ability to blush.
I'm new but I sense there's kind of a small core with a lot of satellites around it. I felt homey right away.
blue, "Homey" is good. We need more of those in this world.
Mapleleaf wrote: Remember when most of the active posters knew most members by name?
How is it people knew real names, did they use their true names at some point, as opposed to the fictitious ones we constantly see...Mapleleaf?
I think he meant that we felt that we "knew" any given member right at the beginning. See the name (username, not real name), recognize it, have instant associations, remember stories, etc.
Now, if you go down the member list, it's probable that you'll "know" a certain percentage and the rest will be "huh??"
Oh I see Soz. There are many different way's of looking at a comment, I guess I took it literally.
But, I still wonder why people don't use their real names, unless the person is famous and would not like to be hunted by the media.
I am famous and divulged my real name the first day on and I urge other celebrities to come forward and do the same.
Oh is that right BT! I missed it, so I guess you will always be a mystery in my mind :-)
paulaj wrote:
How is it people knew real names, did they use their true names at some point, as opposed to the fictitious ones we constantly see...Mapleleaf?
I'm using my real name here (and used it on Abuzz) from the very first day onwards.
And I know the real names of quite a few (mostly from the first pages of the memberlist) as well :wink: