KC thats funny my hot water went out yesterday. Thought nothing of it - just, something musta gotten fukked up tonight - but then,
this morning, there was still no hot water. Goddammit. I love showers, even if the hot water runs out in any case after 20 mins or so.
Oh and
then I called my housing corp, and they referred me to a company thats got a contract with them, and the company man referred me back to the housing corp, and the housing corp referred me on to the energy company, and by then i had to hurry to work. So tomorrow I'll still not have any hot water.
But - I only pay 400 a month.
shewolfnm wrote:You dont have to hear the sound of a 24 hour city in your bedroom.
Thats what I miss over here.. you have it in Amsterdam, not here. No cloud of sound hovering outside.