Quote:Your group-competitive double-standard complaint could be created regarding any sin. You could say that certain people are more genetically predisposed to gluttony and so that sin unfairly targets them and privileges people who are genetically programmed to consume in moderation.
Kudos to you for finally seeing this argument, weak as it is.
The differences are:
1. They are predisposed, rather than being innately gluttonous.
All people can suffer from the urge to gluttony
3. You can train your brain to avoid gluttony. This is because people are only predisposed to gluttony, rather than innately gluttonous.
4. Food is not a major part of a persons identity.
5. Gluttony is essentially a weakness
This is opposed to:
1. True homosexuals are innately homosexual. They have no choice in the gender they are attracted to. It is hardwired into them. Same with true heterosexuals. There are of course, bi-sexuals, hence the use of the word true.
All people can't suffer from the urge to Homosexual sex. As a sin, it cannot capture everyone - only Bi's and Gays.
3. You cannot train your brain to avoid being attracted to a particular gender.
4. The gender that a person is attracted to, is a major part of their identity
5. Being homosexual isn't a weakness. It just is. It is innate to their being. Just like being heterosexual is.
Now, the thing I'm asking myself is:
- I'm identifying all of these differences above, on the spot
- If I can do that, anyone can.
If anyone can, why aren't you?
Quote:You could say that the sin of killing discriminates against people with more natural aggression and is biased in favor of people with genetic propensity for avoiding violence and working out conflicts peacefully and diplomatically
Natural Aggression doesn't = killing. Aside from that, it has the same issues as the first response, above.
Quote:You could say that the sin of stealing unfairly discriminated against poor people because they have more need to steal than the rich
No. I grew up in a dirt poor family. Never felt the need to steal from others. Perhaps a read of Viktor Frankl's '
Mans Search for Meaning' would help you with this particular nonsense.
Quote:Homosexuality is not a group trait. Sexuality is a continuum and people who are hetero have repressed homosexuality.
What evidence do you have for this particular tripe?
By the way, using the fact that,
occassionaly abused women leave men, and go for other women, is not evidence. of your tripe. Women like that were always Bi-sexual, who chose the socially acceptable path to start with.
You do realise that you are spouting all of this while essentially being ignorant of any experience that homosexual people go through?
I'd suggest that you actually start talking to some of them, so you begin to gain an understanding of all aspects - not just the aspects you've religiously been taught to believe. That is after all, the only fair thing you can do, is it not? And it shouldn't be a problem approaching or talking with them, because as a Christian you should love all people as yourself. With that love of others in mind, they shouldn't at all be suspicious of your motives, if you did so (ie. you probably need to be friends with them before they would discuss such with you).
I doubt I've even argued this well. I'd never previously given it overly much thought until you started saying things containing double standards (plenty of my posts in this forum relate to conversations like yours - a person says something that shows a lack of thought, and I question them. Hopefully, people do the reverse with me)
In any event - this conversation appears to be around and around in circles. I know you are capable of logical thought. I know you can join the dots. But no one can make you willing to look beyond your own desire to blind yourself.
Most of these conversations have you avoiding critical thought so badly you keep asking 'what double standard', or giving examples that always apply 100% to one group but not the other, or asking dense things like 'what condition' or 'what judgement', or not seeing holes in your own arguments that are in plain sight.
You get frustrated when others engage in this nonsense level of critical thinking. You shouldn't be surprised when others get frustrated when you do the same.
It's reached the point where further circular conversation is pointless.