Hey, littlek, I haven't told anyone that I beat you in scrabble. This will be our little secret.
I'm heading down to the poker club. Wish me luck.
Good luck... I'm off to read my book.
I have now removed several sections of 16th century wood panelling, caused approximately £23000 worth of damage, and found only a small book entitled "Algebra explained".
I am now of the opinion that Mama had rather a warped sense of humour, although I now know that "x" nearly always equals 1.235.
I have also had confirmation from our family archivist, that direct blood line descendants are incapable of growing hair on the chin area.
This means that "you know who" would appear to be of common stock, or from an even lower strata of humanoid.
I must admit that this matter has caused some stress over the past couple of days, as it has severely curtailed one's enjoyment of the Clubs annual Billiards Tournament.
I am sorta sad to hear that, Ellpus. I was convinced it was you. That leaves us with other questions though, not the least of which is: What ever became of Gus' twin brother?
Don't leap to conclusions so fast kicky.
Are we sure Gustav's beard is real? Perhaps he wears a fake one.
Perhaps he has had beard restoration surgery.
The mystery only gets deeper.
perhaps gus was the good twin. and the evil twin is out on the loose somewhere. that's worrying.
Oh my god !!! You dont mean..........<dan dan daaaan>
A LAWYER ?*!!!
Can I just add....you people are funny - I can't stop laughing, despite the fact that this is the worst day of my life...
There's always tomorrow, pragmatic.
Get that glass out of the ol sots hand and well do a DNA type.Someone already got one from GUS because of his habit of achieving "happy endings" all over A2k.
Yep quite a family resemblance Id say.
Would this not be great, a drunken tearful reunion between the two.
AH-HAA! Methinks, looking at your Avatar, that we have found Mr Ratstuffer's twin brother.
Thats exactly what Gustav would look like if he trimmed the straggly bits off, performed his annual ablutions, and dressed up in a Union Civil war uniform circa 1863 !!
I bet that you're really HIM in disguise, and just using his wedding photograph to fool us all.
WHY YOU, right now I could blow your
lordships bony ass into a
fine pattern of unidentifiable bite sized chunks. Now hand over the glass.
Grape shot in first battery. aim low, hes probably sitting in the breakfast wing with his coddled egg .
Who cares if Spanky is related to gustav, as long as he
sticks around and makes us laugh. I adore him!
AH-HAAAA again! Methinks I have touched on a sore subject.
< thinks.....gustav the farmer.....farmerman........both have beards and are easily angered.......It all fits! ......end of thinks >
GADZOOKS.....I think I've discovered the truth. Gustav is really General Robert H. Cutlass, of the 7th Cavalry.
Just like Gustav's Gibbons, Cutlass also received a dishonourable discharge !!
i don't think there's anything dishonorable about discharge. why, we all discharge every day. if, however, someone smeared their discharge over our gus with malicious intent, i'll jump up and ready myself for vengeance. i too happen to have a pitchfork in the shed.
AH-HAAAAH! He also has a sister !!
well, perhaps a great great grand-niece. I know i am related to auntie Hannelore Ratzehhoffer who runs a pig farm in Rohrau, Austria. But what relation she is to our Gus, I do not know.