Hi, guys, I was reading an article and came upon this paragraph:
{Einstein, too, was unable to make a clean break with time. "To those of us who believe in physics," he wrote to the widow of a friend who had recently died, "this separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, if a stubborn one."}
I wonder is it true that there is no separation of time (in our universe)? Is it just our illusion? Does anybody know why did Einstein think so?
By saying there is "no separation between past , present , and future" does he mean that time is a continuum of a cosimic lump that can be backtracked? A line or a space like the expanding of our universe mean that time travel is possible?
But when and where is the origin of time? Because when you think about time, you think about the flow of a river, the flying light, but when does it all started? From the BIG BANG? Because there is future there must be a past, right? But if there is no past and no future ?
I'm confused and interested in this kind of stuff but a layman meself, I wonder if anyone can shed some light on this....or what's your opinion?
I think this will be an interesting thread .......