Differnet plant stake different nutrients from the soils and all at different rates. I wouldn't think 40lbs of soil would be totally depleted of any content in a single year but growing different types of plants in each container wouldn't be a bad idea since it would help balance things. (i.e. in container "A" that you grew squash in last year plant the tomatoes this year..)
Fresh topsoil brings in more nutrients and I don't think you'd even have to replace half. You could amend with 1/4 or so and be fine. If you can take out 1/4 of the soil from each container and put it in a compost bin. Then add fresh soil to the containers and add your garden scraps to the compost bin through the year (toss a few dozen worms in there too!

). Next your you won't have to buy soil, you can use the compost to amend the soil in the containers.
I'd do a complete change out of the soil with stuff from the compost bin every 3 or 4 years.