Sun 6 Mar, 2005 12:39 pm
My HP2210 All-in One just died (30 days after the extended warranty expires). I was looking at a new one and like the features of the Epson 500 or 600. It has capability to scan negs and transparencies besides hard copies. Any input good or bad concerning Epson? I liked my HP however the ink seemed expensive and it didn't scan negs. I may consider a seperat scanner in the future, but space (and $$$) limits my options. Any suggestions on where to buy. (I've been looking at the big box local places...B.Buy, Office suply, Comp... etc. and online).
Jackofalltrades, I have an Epson 2400 scanner with the negative feature, and an Epson 1280 printer. The scanner gets a 7 on a 10 scale score, but the 1280 printer gets a 11 on the scale. I love the printer, because I can print borderless and large prints 13" wide. I make large prints of photos I take on vacation, and give them as 'gifts' to friends and family. The special inks will last as any from commercial photo shop prints. BTW, I never believed in "all in ones" because if one breaks down, all the rest are kaput! The cost of repair vs a new purchase doesn't make sense to me. However, the one big drawback is the desk space needed for individual equipment. Don't go by me, though. I have three computers (two desktops and a laptop) in my computer room, and one Apple in my bedroom.