I never would have guessed, wolf_dog_lover.
i like human human hybids.. that do not have pokers.
Cats, dogs, koalas, big bears, tigers, giraffes, mice (domestic pets), cows, platypi, lions, otters, seals, possums .... just about anything but rats <shudder> .... Snakes & horses are to be admired, but from a distance. They're scary!
Well I'm with msloga. I want to hold almost every animal I have seen, with the exception of, reptiles, frogs, worms and snakes.
I don't dislike them, I just don't want to touch them.
I was at a zoo last summer, and I'm standing out side the lions cage, and I had the urge to climb in (i'm not kidding.) It's a good thing their caged, to keep ME out.
They were beautiful.
paulaj wrote:
I was at a zoo last summer, and I'm standing out side the lions cage, and I had the urge to climb in (i'm not kidding.) It's a good thing their caged, to keep ME out.
They were beautiful.
I am just like that. I often put myself in harms way because I want to hug a dog I've just met.
I do love watching tv shows on lions and tigers.
I have a picture of myself holding a baby lion, pretty sweet. Little focker was just a few weeks old and weighed around 30lbs, was letting out a little roar trying to get out of my grasp.
I cant believe I missed a prog on sloths last year,I was sooo annoyed coz they doo look lovely.
Anyhoo, my favourites are Lions,Horses and Elephants.
material girl wrote:I cant believe I missed a prog on sloths last year,I was sooo annoyed coz they doo look lovely.
Sloths are adorable, they look so meek. I was watching on t.v. The sloth was just sitting in a tree, looking at the camera.
I would pay money to be able to play with a group of bear cubs. I would think nothing of wrestling and rolling on the ground with them, good time.
They act happier than alot of adult people I know.
They move soooo slowly and look almost human.
Can I add lions and tigers and bears oh my!
Sloths look greenish because of algae
growing on their long thick hair. Gack!
One time I went to the Zooaquarium and I met a raccoon and he was so cute and friendly, he shook my hand and gave me a high-five!!! I wanted to take him home
I love hawks, horses, all members of the cat family, wolves. For a domestic choice -- cats, particularly seal point Siamese. I've had two. The first, Banchuk, was the smartest cat that ever lived. When cancer finally caught up to her I took her to be put to sleep and cried while talking to to the attendant. The second was Nikki. She had been locked up in a basement for over a year (didn't interact well with two other cats). Love at first sight. I'd come home tired from work and settle on the couch. She'd bounce up and settle purring on my chest, close her eyes and reach one black paw up to touch me on the nose. It doesn't get any better than that.
I love animals. They're delicious!
cjhsa wrote:I love animals. They're delicious!
Naughty man!
As for the favorite animal, of course it's my baby, my poodle.
bubbleme80 wrote:Ligers look kinda weird... and didn't they say ligers don't live much long? i furget what i read, lol. i like hyenas very much too.. because they are so damn ugly.

Drea gets a warm nuzzle from Phoenix, a hyena she hand-reared.
I may have responded to this question before - I really can't remember.
But after the obvious choice (see avatar), otters! Cheeky little devils! I wouldn't mind an otter's life at all!
Tigers, horses, wolves/coyotes, falcons not necessarily in that order.
And, of course my current menagerie at home my 3 cats, parakeet, sun conure and snake.
Yes Ligers are real and very awesome. They are huge and beautiful. You have to breed a male lion with a female tiger to get one (or vice versa, I forget) if you mate them in reverse you do get a tion but they are dwarf animals with horrible tempers that do not survive long. At least that is what I read somewhere, not sure how true this is.
I have to say horses, but I love all animal.