Wow! We're all so very busy when asleep! I used to have a LOT more nightmares than I do now (always about my father). I still talk a lot, often swearing in my sleep.
DH reported last week that he came home when I was already asleep (played all night in the band); he laid down, farted loudly, and I, still sleeping, yelled, "SHUT UP!"
The same for me BorisKitten, I used to have a lot more nightmares, but not anymore. Now it only happens from time to time.
About one month ago, I also had a nightmare that seemed to control my brain...and I couldn't let it go. It was like a scary animal-human that controlled my mind, and I had no power to control my own body. When I woke up, I tried to wake up my wife by calling her, but thought better of it, and went back to sleep.
About two years ago, I took a nap on the couch. I remember thinking I was awake, but couldn't move. I was paralyzed, and tried screaming out for help, because I couldn't move. This went on for a long time, trying to wake up, and falling back to sleep. I tried to scream for help, but nothing would come out of my mouth ... I can remember thinking "I should wake up Rae", nothing would happen. I felt as though this paralysis went on for days, of course, it didn't, eventually I woke up enough to be able to communicate to Rae what happened.
This experience was the most frightening I have ever had, and the most realistic.
Scary stuff! I have to mention how I got rid of my nightmares.... if there's a character who's frightening, turn to them & ask them, "Who are you? What do you want?" Good to practice just before going to sleep. If there's a scary situation, ask it why it's happening.
This is just about the hardest thing I have ever done, but well worth it!
The answers are always enlightening... for me, they always said something like, "I'm a part of you, and I'm trying to escape!" I was abused as a child. Worst nightmares imaginable.
I'm so in this habit, I recently dreamed of my sister, who's been dead for 25 years. I sat her in a chair under a bright light, and questioned her ruthlessly, telling her, "I know my sister's been dead for 25 years, so who are YOU?"... she eventually admitted she was just a lost spirit, hoping to find a home. After that, I called her by my sister's name, knowing she wasn't my sister, just to comfort her. She loved it, and smiled.
Boris/Kitten ... great dream!
I think dreams tell us our fears/loves subconscious mind, and they are also a warning of things to come.
To dream that you are paralyzed, may reflect the current state of your body while you are dreaming. During the REM state of sleep you really are immobile and paralyzed. However symbolically, dreaming that you are paralyzed may mean you are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspect or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel unable to deal with a situation or that you can't do or change anything. Alternatively, you may feel emotionally paralyzed. You may have difficulties in expressing yourself.
*Please see also Immobility. See The Meaning In Action: "Smell Of Fire" and "Paralyzed"
That's really interesting Misty. In my nightmare, I was being suffocated and my arms an legs felt like they had no energy, completly at the attackers mercy.
That sounds like my friend's sexual fantasy Tenoch.
Tenoch, that sounds as scary as mine was.
I've also heard it's healthy to dream, so we must be as wholesome as American pie!
Alot of people don't realize that we all have several dreams every night. But many simply don't remember their dreams so they think that they don't dream when in actuality, they do..
That's absolutely true eoe ... we all dream, but we don't always remember them.
I don't have nightmares very often, but when I do now it's ALWAYS because Bear has come home at 3 in the morning and left the tv on in our bedroom - HBO or something and some war or horror movie has come on after he has fallen asleep. Since he's been out playing, his hearing is off, so it's actually very loud.
I incorporate the movie and have horrible dreams of being in a war zone or whatever may be happening on tv. Very frightening, and not always as comforting as I would think it should be to awaken and realize it was just because of the movie.
squinney, I have had the same experience when I fall asleep on the couch with the TV on. I hear all the background dialogue from the TV and experience all the action in my dreams.
It can be quite frightening.
Same thing here, squinney. Hubby leaves the tv on and my dreams are affected by it.
So, we know not to let the guys know about this, right? Imagine what they might put on if they knew we were so effected!!
Damn. You're not kidding. Sssshhhhh......
squinney wrote:So, we know not to let the guys know about this, right? Imagine what they might put on if they knew we were so effected!!

Please. /moans, screams, and slapping sounds. Men will dream of porn and women will think of somebody getting killed.
A while back littlek mentioned a sound dream -- that's the first time I've heard of anybody else having them!
Mine would start out with cheerful horn music; I thought it sounded like what the Beatles would have done if they'd had trumpets and trombones instead of guitars. The music would get louder and louder, more and more frightening. I lay there, knowing it would be scarier and scarier, knowing it was a dream, and helpless to wake up or move. If there was a visual aspect to this dream at all, it was the shadow of moonlight through a tree outside my window (no real tree, no real moon)... I had this dream repeatedly for about six years; haven't had it for a long time but I still remember the terror.
Anybody else have auditory dreams?
I rarely dream of hearing anything.... unless you count that time my husband farted & I yelled "shut up!" obviously speaking to a fart-faced dream person.