Thu 24 Feb, 2005 07:32 am
Can you help with these cryptic clues:-
Lost heart before autumn avalanche (5,4) E?r?h ?a?l
Soldiers reported to become actors (7) L???p?s
City firm has attitude (5) C?i??
Point to the reader, he's on a roll (7) E???t?r
Only #1, are you sure about the5th letter being an h? I think the answer is Early fall.
Hi Merry Andrew,
If Early fall is correct can you answer this one:-
They enlarge crate to take exercise equipment (5,9) ????? E?p?n?e?s
I thought it would be Chest Expanders, but if your early is correct the 2nd letter in the first word would become an Y ?? What do you think.
Exercise equipment --- CHEST EXPANDERS
Earth is an anagramof heart
Point to reader ---- ELECTOR
City firm has attitude ----- CHIPS as in blue chip company ,chip on shoulder.
The soldiers i can only think of trooper/troops/troopers that fit in with actors.
OK. If Citadel is right, then it's Earth Fall and your Chest Expanders is right.
Hello again Carditel & Merry Andrew
I have settled for Earth Fall as in Avalanche
Troupes as in sounds like troops (troupes being actors)
And Cairo as in (Firm) Co and (air) attitude
Elector confirmed.
Have you seen my new entry for THE PRICE IS RIGHT.
Thanks Guys