Ah, I didn't rush out to see "The Fockers" as I feel by the time one buys a ticket to the cinema and pays for the snack bar, they can own the movie. This excepts the LOTR movies, or recently "The Aviatior" which demands the big screen. There are also films that just play better in a darkened theater with an audience like "Chicago" or the aforementioned "Sideways." The audience reaction in both were well worth the trip and the price of acmission. A passable watch is delegated to maybe a rental or watching it on HBO or Showtime (I seldom use Pay-Per-View as the $4.00 is only worth it for an occassional attack of laziness and a film that has garnered great reviews and a good word-of-mouth from those I trust to give me a recommendation -- a total of maybe three or four people I know in the industry).
Craven: How'd your new girlfriend watch a movie at her home which is not on DVD? It's only at theaters. A bootlegged copy? I'm puzzled especially as the picture of falling asleep in your companion's lap in a movie theater is rather outre (in a humorous way). I would also have a problem trusting a review!