Mon 14 Feb, 2005 08:31 am
Like the film title one but for song titles and alphbetical to slow it down, invent for strange letters.
American Cabbage
"We've Got The Beets" (Go-Go's "We've Got the Beat")
Cauliflower Dreaming (California Dreaming)
Dancing Quince (Dancing Queen)
Funny, Familiar, Forgotten Fennel (Feelings)
Oh now I see my first post was not quite alphabetical - I alphabetized the vegetable.
Garbanzos whooo-hooo
Garbanzos whoo-hoo-hoo-hooo
(To Volare)
Happy Dates Are Here Again (Happy Days Are Here Again)
Inna Guava Da Vida (Inna Godda Da Vida)
Jimica Jerk Off (Jamiaca Jerk Off (Elton John))
Keep right on to the end of the rhubarb (road)