Fri 13 Apr, 2018 11:54 am
Say I’m writing an article on a mathematical topic…and I wish to crisply articulate how the distance between two consecutive squares is the sum of the two square roots (( ex: 20^2 is 400, which is 39 more than 19^2 (361), and 39 = 20 + 19 )).
So I include the equation: (x+1)^2 – (x)^2 = 2x + 1
Now, because this equation involves rather elementary subject matter, I assume someone else has most likely authored such an equation.
But how does one verify for sure if someone else has already authored a particular equation ?
And, moreover, how does one ascertain whom to credit when one wishes to include this equation in an article ?
I entered this equation (surrounded by quotation marks) into the Google and did not get a direct hit.
Might there be a database of existing equations or some similar resource ?
@Ray C,
You don't need to attribute basic math.
@Ray C,
You could try searching using verbal description.
Difference of two squares.
@Ray C,
I agree with Engineer. This math is so basic that it needs no attribution; same with 512 + 42 = 654
I did a little research, searching for the history of polynomials and their multiplication. It is clear that Renee Descarte knew about this equation in 1637; it was in his book "La Géométrie". Other sites suggest that this knowledge was developed much earlier.
Oh, okay, fair enough. Thanks for letting me know, guys.