You mean - 'Sometimes I've got to access reality from your perspective - So as to repair my unfettered and misaligned interpretation of an, otherwise, delusional reality - I, seemingly, possess?
One Man's shallow, is another Man's deep (Causal-relativity 'emo')
Your view is conditional to your 'spacial' location.
Only 'You' occupy said 'location'.
ONLY 'YOU' have said view/reality.
I understand your (primitive) dualism - and encourage its progression.
But - Noone else (Anywhere) shares your reality (A similar one, indeed) - But 'Marmite, sprout soup and ivory-earrings' have alternating 'labels' from alternating relative observation points/locations.
You appear to be 'preaching', btw.
Flags are, fundamentally, divisive.
They 'SEPERATE' that which worships (Works For) the meaning thereunder. (therein) - and that, that doesn't.
I bow to NO flag, nation, race, form, colour.