I have known people who like to "think evil of others" and lump them in with those they don't like because it makes them them seem self-important when they are really too full of themselves. Low self-esteem and all...
Do I come into your threads and pick apart everything you say purely out of hate, derail the conversation and turn everything ugly on a habitual basis? No... I could though.
Apparently I don't have issues like you. I have nothing I am trying to prove beyond the conversation at hand. Do I have an agenda? Doesn't anyone? But my agenda is not trailing after you to pick apart everything you say. You want to imagine evil and try and fit me into your black and white little box.
First, according to you, I am a repressive latent homosexual whose religion has kept him in the closet. ...and when that ploy doesn't work you imagine up another scenario.. I am now, like Trump, according to your think evil of others strategy. I have 3000 Hillary voters following me on Facebook... Don't you think one of them might have said something about that? I have over 200 thousand political posts I have shared with them... They should know my, erm, black and white tendencies (as you refer to them) quite well by now. Thought not a single one has accused me of what you are implying...
This thread is about the wonderful power of the human mind.
Something you seem to be lacking on many counts.
Along with a brilliant mind comes scruples and decorum... get some.