Fresco did not say I was wrong, he said I was both right and wrong... but your inability to comprehend two states of acknowledgment is more evidence of your monochromatic thinking.
So really Izzy, you are wrong...
And since Fresco does not have the blueprints of the human brain and body and cannot truly say for sure how far down the rabbit hole the brain is quantized. He is merely stating and educated "opinion"...
Also, I have been employed in the field of computers since several years before Microsoft Windows was made available. Before then I work many years in audio electronics... I am a sound engineer. Once again you assume things about me without any regard to whether if your assumptions are factual or correct.
I have worked on multi-million dollar computer projects before and I have been at the forefront of many technologies that are common now in ever single device today. Billions of devices.
Once again you like to assume things about people that are incorrect, while you rail on them about how wrong and insusceptible to change they are...
Your own programming language could use a rewrite...