Maybe the problem is that you are too sensitive. If you are posting an opinion on a public forum, you should expect to get people's opinions.
Sometimes their opinions might teach you something new...
... or give you a new way of looking at something.
... or it might just be a chuckle.
... or it might be something stupid that you can ignore.
People today live in ideological bubbles, they are too closed minded and unwilling to consider any point of view other than their own. And, far too often any idea that doesn't fit into their world view is taken as offense.
If you don't like the openness of the internet. Go somewhere else. If you want to get different viewpoints, and are open to talking to people outside your narrow bubble, then you need to grow a bit more of a thick skin.
People go out of their way to avoid any ideas that don't fit into their pre-existing beliefs, and anyone who expresses these ideas is a "jerk" or a "troll". I don't think that this is helpful.
And have a bit of humility.... no matter who you are, there are plenty of people on the internet who think you are a jerk.