Fri 4 Feb, 2005 06:40 am
Can anybody help! Cryptic clues
Wimbledon favourite has time for horse (5)
...another points to the Spanish (7)
Many thanks
Hello Don1
Have you any idea on the other one, Im getting desperate now. I suspect the letters are as follows but am not certain. Colonel doesn't mean any sense to me. C?l?n?l.
Canada, I get the sense that you are not giving the whole picture here, can you be specific?
For example you have just mentioned c-l-n-l, you didn't mention that before
Sorry Don1
I originally really didn't think all the letters were correct so didn't want to state them.
I would certainly believe it ends in "el" (the Spanish)
"Colonel" fits your letter pattern. Was there a reference to officers in a previous clue? (colon+el)
Hello CowDoc
Yes there was a reference to officers, as follows:- One officer is into a form of sweeping remark. Answer: Generalisation. Thanks CowDoc.
Colonel it is then.