Thu 3 Feb, 2005 03:10 pm
F(x, y, z)=3xi-2yj+4zk; S is the ball x^2+y^2+z^2 < or = to 9.
Please help, it'll be much appreciated.
That looks vaguely familiar. Is that for Abstract Algebra?
I believe that the former is a straight line in 3 space in vector notation, whereas the latter is a sphere plus interior. What is the question?
Just to calculate them is all.
CarbonSystem wrote:Just to calculate them is all.
What do you mean "calculate them?"
I think I understand the expressions, I can't figure out what the question is.
I think all you had to do was interpret them, I really don't know, it's my brother's problem.
So understanding is all you gotta do I guess.
I hate it when I get all confused as too whether i is being used as sqrt(-1) or as a variable...
Vengoropatubus wrote:I hate it when I get all confused as too whether i is being used as sqrt(-1) or as a variable...

This is standard vector notation.
i is a unit vector in the +x direction.