@Finn dAbuzz,
You accused him of being a "fatuous tool" and suggested that he had no real qualifications for the leadership position he is in. Then you wondered why he had support from leftists. I pointed out that people commonly overlook the personal faults of politicians who promote the policies that they agree with. I've never complained about this "two-tukus fallacy" which you claim that I do with some frequency. I assume you're referring to the "tu quoque fallacy", in which case you're thinking of Setanta.
Quote:A type of ad hominem argument in which a person turns a charge back on his or her accuser: a logical fallacy. Also called the "you too," the "two wrongs," or the "look who's talking" fallacy.
In this case your argument was based on a mistaken assumption that people only support politicians of impeccable character and exemplary behavior. In the current political climate tribal solidarity is too common to be "ironic". My argument is based on the fact that your assumption is questionable, not that "your side does it too".