Trudeau is a politician the other side of the ocean. To be honest he's not someone I pay a great deal of attention to, but at least he seems a decent enough bloke, unlike your president who is an abomination.
I was being serious when I said my criticism of you was far from personal. That may have been true a while back, but recently, politics aside our exchanges have been cordial, friendly even, especially when talking about television shows.
I have been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. When I first clicked on this thread I hoped your criticism of Trudeau might be legitimate, something about his insistence on taking politically correct language to the nth degree. This invites ridicule and detracts from the very important purpose of political correctness which is to try to make sure everyone is treated decently.
Instead it's this, a skewed report on a foreign visit which over exaggerates the anger felt by a tiny section of Indian society, (in all likelihood right wing Hindu nationalists,) and makes absolutely no mention of the real reason for difficulties on the trip. As the picture of Dennis Thatcher shows western politicians, and their spouses, often look ridiculous when they try to adopt local dress. At least Trudeau has to dress in Indian garb to look like a dickhead, Donald Trump, just has to encounter a mild breeze.
This is not the first time you've misrepresented events to push a right wing agenda. Most telling is the lies you told about protesters marching against Tory cuts to the NHS. You lied when you said they were protesting against the NHS, and you lied when you said they were protesting against the system. Even when I told you the real reason why people were marching, because I actually know some of the protesters, you continued with the lie.
Giving someone the benefit of the doubt is one thing, but it's another thing to act like a bloody idiot. And on balance of the political nature of your posts only a bloody idiot could think you were a believer in progressive politics.