Wed 2 Feb, 2005 04:56 am
I have a Sanyo 32 inch television that is hooked up to a Philips Home Theater System that is a DVD and VHS combo. I want to hook up my N64, GameCube and PS2 to the television. I'm not sure how to do that. I have an accessory that can house all the game stations but I'm not sure how to hook it up to the television. I understand red, white and yellow hookups. I'm just not sure if I'm supposed to hook up the system to the television or to the home theater system. And if I hook the system up to the television will the sound still come out of the theater system or just the television.
When you say you have an accessory that can house all the game stations, I assume you mean a switchbox which acceptes their outputs and allows you to select the desired game console's feed to the swithbox's output. Provided your home theater receiver has an available input set, that'd be the place to hook the switchbox to. Any appropriate input, with the necessary yellow, white, and red jacks, will do, regardless what it is named. To view/play games, you'd select the desired game on the switchbox, set the receiver to the input corresponding to the switchbox, and the game images will display on your TV while the sound will be produced over your sound system.
Help with Hookup
Thanks a bunch!