Mon 31 Jan, 2005 07:25 pm
I think I mean graphite, charcoal, whatever, the soft black kind of carbon as opposed to the hard transparent kind that costs a lot, lol...
I'm think it MUST be true but I'm not sure...would the same "amount" of carbon take up much more space as graphite or anthracite as opposed to the space carbon in diamond form would occupy?
Would it just be a matter of weight? The thing is, diamonds must be terribly dense but they really don't seem very heavy, any more so than coal...just a pure laymen guess...
I'm trying to get around to some philosophical point, it's irresistible, lol, the two opposite forms this same element that is the basis for all life takes...
I did read a bit about carbon...they don't make artificial diamonods like Superman did on that old show (anyone remember Steve Reeves, and the episode where he squeezed a lump of coal until it became a diamond and replaced the eye of the "god"??) They use a kind of seed diamond in a kind of carbon "soup" and the carbon condenses, under heat and pressure I think, around the seed, to make a bigger diamond...
It's not important, I'm just curious.
At 3.51 grams per cubic centimeter, diamond is much more dense than graphite, which weighs in at only 2.20 grams per cubic centimeter.
The Nature of Diamonds Density
The main reason diamonds are so expensive is that the De Beers cartel tightly controls the diamond market. Their value is artificial.
There are two companies that are manufacturing diamonds that are gem-quality, Gemisis and Apollo. The Apollo method produces diamonds that are more pure than natural diamonds themselves.
The New Diamond Age
Interesting article, Infra. I have a friend getting her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering; her specialty is reducing heat created by chips. Sounds like she may need a new specialty in a few years.
Thank you infrablue that is very helpful. :~)