Mon 5 Feb, 2018 11:23 am
I have an outlet in my bedroom that my TV was plugged into. The TV was only a year and a half old and started acting erratically and then died. After taking the TV apart to try and determine/fix I ended up contacting Samsung and reached a dead end. No the outlet does works for a small lamp and alarm clock, but when I plug in an electric heating pad, although it works, when it automatically goes off, instead of being able to turn it back on (as I am able to with almost any outlet in the house) I have to unplug it and plug bake in again for the heating pad to turn back on. I've discussed the issue with my brother (who installed it) and he only got defensive and said the an outlet isn't voodoo or "freaky" thing and that the outlet either works or doesn't. Could it be a problem with the actual wiring (which my brother also did)? Or am I just crazy?
It could be OK with a lamp but not work so well with anything bigger. There could be a problem with a loose connection, perhaps where a wire or wires go under little screws in the back of the outlet, this could lead to arcing (sparking) especially if there is a bigger load like a TV or heater. You may hear a fizzing or buzzing sound and notice a hot-plastic smell. You could get an electrician to check it out.
Does the TV work with other outlets?
Yes, a TV is different than a lamp.
I would check for loose wire first and at the same time if the hot wire did not get confused with the other one.