Thu 27 Jan, 2005 03:26 pm
If a man sleeps 12 hours a day and a woman sleeps 6 hours a day, how much more efficient is the woman at sleeping?
Try not to confuse efficiency with effectiveness.
If an adult man needs 12 hours of sleep a day, I would suspect a serious physical, or emotional problem.
It's a make-believe world.
Roger, I don't see the difference. Care to explain?
One way to look at it is that she gets three times as many hours awake per hour asleep.
To me that seems the most accurate way of looking at it. The man needs three times as much sleep to function, but since he doesn't need to function as much he only gets twice as much sleep.
Dynamite for a mosquito is effective. It is not especially efficient.
Now, you could explain your last post to the rest of us.
Oh, I was repeating what Markr said. If you sleep for twelve hours then you will only be awake for twelve, which means you need one hour of sleep for each hour awake. The girl will be awake longer (18 hours), and sleeps less (6 hours), so she only needs 1 hour of sleep for every three she's awake.
I see. Still, that seems to describe how long she sleeps (again), and not how efficiently.
She sleeps six hours, which allows her to function for 18, he sleeps 12 hours which allow him to function for 12 hours before he again requires sleep. That sounds like a difference in efficiency to me. In this case sleep actually becomes the element of work, and she gets more energy from her system for every hour of work she puts in.
Are you allowing for tossing and turning. Wastes energy, so probably inefficient.
Yes, actually, that's why the man is so much less efficient at sleeping. He tosses and turns, and eats greek before bed.
GREEK? I ain't gonna go there! No way.
I suppose that now, at this late date, you are going to provide us with the information that the woman is more rested in the morning? Why not tell us these things from the get go?
Roger, when you find out would you explain it to me?
I wonder if SCoates has considered age? I need more sleep than I did twenty years ago, yet twenty years ago I could still party for most of the night. When I was a teenager I could dance all night and be fine the next day.
Wah...why did I post on this thread? I've just depressed myself. God, I'm old and tired...
Aw, I've had discussions with Scoates before, Diane. They're seldom predictable, and often more interesting than informative.
I bet you're just letting down after the trip. That was a heck of a lot of driving.
Interesting concept there SCoates
Yeah, but the guy's rested and happy... she's dragging around looking for a cup of coffee.
Then again, maybe he's just hung over.