Wed 26 Jan, 2005 06:16 pm
My 5 month old pup was rescued. She learned to potty outside quickly, but lately she has been peeing right in front of me without ever sitting by the door to indicate she needs to go. Sometimes she pees under my bed. The other day she peed on my roommate's bed. She always makes sure I see her. A few minutes ago we were playing. She stopped, made eye contact with me and proceeded to pee. Is she mad? Is she trying to show dominance? Does she hate me? This is getting very frustrating.
She could be sick. I had a cat that would go in prominent places when it was feeling ill.
Cats can do this sort of thing when very upset ... like when coping with a new environment or a predatory neighbourhood cat. One of my cats did it when another one of my cats had died.

But I'm not sure about dogs, I'm sorry.
It sounds like she's challenging you.
Interested in reading other theories.
Usually when a pet (generally a dog, but any other mammal exhibits the same reaction) feels ignored and needs attention, it will find ways to get it in any way that it can. For dogs, they'll beg you to play with them and after a while they'll begin to go against the rules that you put in place, the ones that they know will illicit some kind of reaction from you.
Peeing on the carpet, scratching drapery, eating and chewing up things...they know that you'll pay attention to them and they don't care whether it's positive or negative.
So try to play with her a little bit more or let her cuddle with you whenever possible, not only will she behave better, but you'll be nice and warm too.
Between myself and my roommate's dog my pup gets plenty of play, exercise and cuddle time.
She hasn't tried this in the past two days, but that doesn't mean it is over...
I appreciate all of the input.
How big is you puppy? I have a 3lb dog I trained to go on a pee pad inside. Shes very good about it, sometimes she misses or goes on the carpet but thats only if there are 3 or more pees on the pad. Its important to use one word when training we use "potty", she knows that means going on the pad. Also key is praising her when she does it correctly. Say good girl or boy in a praising voice and start out giving her a treat. They dont know what yelling means. But if you catch her in the act, use a strong voice, saying no and put her on the pad and say potty. Its worked for me. good luck.
puppy peeing in front of you.
Take her to the vet. She may have a uti. My cat did this and he had tiny crystals in his urine. I don't think your pup is "mad" at you. I think she doesn't feel well. I have friend who's dog started urinating in the house in front if him. She had gotten into anti-freeze and by the time he finally took her to the vet it was too late. I'm not trying to scare you, but animals suddenly peeing in the house in front of you, probably simply means they can't hold it. I wouldn't read a lot of motive into it.