Reply Fri 12 Jan, 2018 09:34 am
I’ma not sayin’ I grew up believing the transition from girlhood to womanhood would be precise, complete, and maybe even a little sexy and It’s not that easy to pinpoint which life events mark the transition to becoming Women, capital W.

Is it puberty or losing your virginity (because women are supposed to be good at sex, right?) or when you get married, or even when some asshole busboy calls you “ma’am?”

The metamorphosis from girl to woman can be a confusing process, but are there some foolproof ways to tell if you have crossed the bridge to womanhood. I used to think it was when you subscribe to Martha Stewart’s Living magazine or Readers Digest, you know the ones you used to flip through at your mom’s house when you were super bored.

But most importantly, what age do you think is the acceptable social norm for a girl to be called a woman?

Subpostscriptum; Oh Noddy24 how I miss you and your thread hinting of a conspiracy among women to commit liberation.

Nota bene: Due to the sensitive nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in the N.S.F.W. Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least a double digit IQ* in order to protect the children and encourage hyperbole.

* This parameter for those domiciled below the Mason–Dixon Line is a constant or variable term for a function that determines the specific form of the function but not its general nature. Bless your hearts.
Reply Fri 12 Jan, 2018 09:57 am
Worry only if you are called "Mam" or "sweetie," usually by waitresses or grocery store cashiers.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Jan, 2018 03:53 pm
Incongruous Moral Quandary

Firstly, congratulations on the successful operation.

Blue is definitely you, although I'd go a little easier on the eyebrow pencil and lippy hon.

Glad to hear about the congress, those humperdinckectomies can take a whole lotta love.

The question and the answer is when, when , when.

Reply Fri 12 Jan, 2018 03:57 pm
The question may be when.

The answer is

0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jan, 2018 06:42 am
I know a lot of women who don't like to be called woman, they like to be called girls or ladies, but not, surprisingly, Boobarella.

I call them whatever they want me to call them, so long as I get an easy life.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jan, 2018 04:41 pm
Dear Punkey, thank you for your considered reply but Shirley you have gotta be joking me… Sure some say that unemployment is still a problem under Trump, but I say absolutely not. All this damnable talk about unemployment is nothing but a rumor. Who starts these rumors you ask? Oh people who are out of work I suppose.

Oh sister Slippy, I keep getting you confused with Ekename; after all, a rose by any other name is really an eke-name, from the old word ‘eke’ meaning ‘also’ (much loved of Chaucer). The "n" moved, as it did in "an orange" (a naranj) and the "l" in "a lute" (al ud).

May I also thank you for your cosmetic tips and concern for my wellbeing, however you forgot to mention that for long-lasting lip color, one should swipe on your shade, lay a tissue over your mouth, and then dust translucent powder over it to set the color, and I would be more than happy to sprinkle stardust on your bippy!
BTW are you actually allowed to write ‘Humperdink’ on A2K without fear of admonishment and retribution?

Beth, your musical interlude was in no way to blame for the lexicon malfunction when what I said was, “Set by the fire” not wet with desire! However, your input adds gravitas to the topic but doesn’t answer the question of do you think we should wait any longer than we already have?

Perhaps you would be so kind as to mediate in an effort to repatriate the missing bit of McCurdy's Smokehouse in Lubec, Maine that broke off in the last storm and floated over to your side of the river. Thanking you in advance.

Izzy my dear chap, I like the cut of your jib, so may I wish you a belated Happy New Year and best wishes to your boys. With reference to Boobarella, can you possibly elucidate how she wishes to be addressed - just in case I’m fortunate enough to bump into her.

So the question remains: do you agree with Germaine Greer’s version of feminism?
Or why does toast always land butter side down?
Reply Sun 14 Jan, 2018 12:00 am
I, dearest Trya, gainsay your contention that your are confused and so does my aunt Sybil (the sibilant one who missed all your history lectures on spoonerisms and diction).

Germane to this discussion of the slippery slide of feminism and the slippery side of toast are these early songs which some will a greer are two fargone beauties, for your delectation. The Groop's sect status was apparent even then.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jan, 2018 01:43 am
Tryagain wrote:

With reference to Boobarella, can you possibly elucidate how she wishes to be addressed - just in case I’m fortunate enough to bump into her.

Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II, or Liz.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jan, 2018 11:59 am
Hell low Eke, are you yanking my chain, do you know Aunt Sybil two? Yeah, she has a twin sister and you are on a slippery slope displaying an Australian band from beyond the Black Stump, because music was not invented until 1969 at Woodstock.

I know its true because Frenchy told me, although I never knew where he called home as he just drifted into town and stayed all alone, in fact he didn’t say much, kind of quiet and shy, so iffin’ y’all ever spoke at all, you’d just say hi.

Somebody said he came from New Orleans where he got into a fight over a Cajun Drag Queen and a crushing blow from a huge right hand sent a Louisiana fella to the promise land, which according to the Tanakh is a 2012 movie about fracking in Pittsburg. However, should you ever find yourself around Uluru, Alice Springs to mind.

Izzy you make eye laugh, is there no end to your talents, writer, thespian, performer, wit and raconteur to name but a few. I shall refrain from commenting on your Queens annus horribilis in case GCHQ are monitoring this thread.

So what’s it gonna be folks, does anyone have a life hack that can aid humanity?

Failing that, can anyone suggest how I may broach the subject of my new neighbor practising naked yoga with the drapes open?

Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 05:56 am
So what’s it gonna be folks, does anyone have a life hack that can aid humanity?
Failing that, can anyone suggest how I may broach the subject of my new neighbor practising naked yoga with the drapes open?

Not at all : tell the boys you're having an evening of two barbies (aka bbqs). After a few yoga triangles in the moonlight, downward facing dogs with puppies resplendent and some camels, crows and dolphins traipsing cross the bridge, pass the hat around for charity viz. the this is your life hack to aid humanity with 10 cents of every dollar collected going to the Ban Drapes and Save Our Cotton Foundation.

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