Re: "Separation of Conceptualizations"
paul andrew bourne wrote:Paul Andrew Bourne, BSc. (Hons) Economics and Demography
The modification of any product, be it services and or tangible items, cannot be simply a creation but an innovation of existence. When the wheel was created there was nothing in man's past that was able recreate of things therefrom.
Hi Paul, despite your objection to Engineer's argument, I agree with him. Your differentiation between "creation" and "Innovation" is not so clear cut.
For example, a tree which falls and rolls down a hill, could easily have been a precursor to a wheel. The Wheel is only a modification of the basic principle observed by watching a log roll down a hill.
Based on your definition of "creation", we would need to find something which has no conceptual precursor. Even Velcro had the common "burr" (a weed), which inspired it.
I suppose ideas might be considered pure creations. New languages maybe, or fictional stories.