Wed 27 Dec, 2017 11:07 pm
6am in the morning
6 in the morning
6.00 in the morning
six in the morning
six o'clock in the morning
Which is the correct phrase?
They are all correct except for the fourth line, "6.00 in the morning." That line is correctly spelled "6:00 in the morning".
You can say that something begins at six in the morning, six o'clock, six o'clock in the morning, etc. The choice is yours, they are all correct.
I would not say 6 a.m. in the morning. A.m. is always in the morning, so this is redundant. It also sounds kind of odd.
6am in the morning is frowned upon and may even be considered illiterate.
Blickers wrote:
They are all correct except for the fourth line, "6.00 in the morning." That line is correctly spelled "6:00 in the morning".
You can say that something begins at six in the morning, six o'clock, six o'clock in the morning, etc. The choice is yours, they are all correct.
If I'm not wrong, 6.00 is British English, while 6:00 is American English.
tanguatlay wrote: 6.00 is British English, while 6:00 is American English.
This is wrong. Both formats are correct in BrE and AmE.
Such things as date and time formats like 6am, 6 AM, 6:00, 6.00, 0600, 06.00, 06:00, 28-12-2017, 28/12/17, 28-12-2017, 28.12.2017, let alone month-day-year order, are merely conventions and not fixed. There is no single "correct" way to write a date or time.