Tue 18 Feb, 2003 12:08 pm
Those of us that fear increased government control over abortions see the inherent danger of leaving these decisions to politicans:
Quote:Managua Nicaragua: A government board was studying whether a 9-year old girl could carry a baby to term safely while considering her families request to have an abortion. The girls parents said she was raped in Costa Rica and have asked for the government's approval to give her an abortion. It was unclear how far along the girl was in her pregnamcy. In interviews with local television stations, she said she didn't want to share her toys with other children."
Rocky Mountain News 2/18/03
Sounds like republican conservative ideals!
BTW, I'm shocked that a 9 y.o. girl could even be pregnant.
If you have recovered from that shock, you may get by reading the link an even greater one:
It was in 1939 ....
Well, when I was a schoolkid, I had a classmate (a boy, now a man) that had a teenage level of sexual development at age of 7-8.
Kids spread rumors that he was an adult dwarf, but in fact, he was all his classmates' age peer.
I understand the pro-lifers' point of view, but c'mon. In this case there is no question but that an abortion is called for. I definitely support right to abortion in cases of rape, threat to the mother, and severely deformed fetus.
Costa Rica being a solidly-Catholic nation, they may feel that it is better to let the child be born and lose the mother, since the mother has already been baptized and the child should have a chance to be baptized and die a christian rather than be left in eternal limbo.
This is the case when pro-life approach is irrelevant. Pregnancy may pose an intolerable load on the body systems of a little girl, and these may collapse causing death of both mother and a fetus(it is not mandatory, but such a risk is quite probable); I guess, in such a case abortion may be quite a justified operation.
Abortion is the correct solution.
Walter, your link no longer works.
I really don't wanna believe that one. 'tis too sad.
um well i guess i was trying to say with this post is that how friggin' weird is it that this family/child have to go to a govenment board. or is this anyway to run a railroad? to say that "well yes she should be able to have the abortion" is obvious and yet we still have many people is this nation (USA) that want the government to have even more power in regulation of the lives of its citizens. What we end up with is RAPE BY THE STATE.
I look at my nine year old and think, 'you becoming a parent now...' NO WAY it aint happening.
What happened to the rapist? And how is this childs mental state?
What a horrid world we live in. Ill end here, as Im sure to start using profanity.