Tue 11 Jan, 2005 10:16 pm
Suppose that you work on Big Bill Spender\'s Ranch. Big Bill tells you to build a circular fence around the lake and to use remainder of your 1000 yards of fencing to build a corral. To keep the fence out of the water, the diameter of the circular encolosure must be at least 50 yards.
a. If you must use all of 1000yd of fencing, how would you build the fences so as to enclose the minimum total area?
b. What would you tell Big Bill if he asked you to build the fences so as to enlcose the maximum total area?
Did you get dimensions for the lake or no?
What's the relationship between the circular fence around the lake and the corral? Can one contain the other? Can they share a section of fence? Do you have to be able to build a corral, or can you use all of the fencing to build the circular fence? Any size constraints on the corral?
To minimize, you could build the minimal circular fence around the lake, and use the remaining fence to build a rectangular corral with a width of zero.
To maximize, you could just build a circular fence with a circumference of 1000 yards.
Edit: I misread Markr's post.