Thu 30 Nov, 2017 02:26 pm
...why as an erstwhile Journ major I stick with a2k, devoted to the esl who so oft don't 'stand my OP's's 'cause 'spite'v'm' vicious OP's I like the software just a whole lot, and want to thank a2k Mgmt for not deletin my OP's any more !!
However, still wish you'd so something, if possible, about that bottom of the Ed window jumpin' up and down, up an d down, up...
...while I realize it ain't your fault, but it sure does bug me that it don'gnize 'a nd' as a missp of a certain common word......but if only someone else would lissen to my 'plaints...
... and if there are any Software 'Sperts readin' this, with 'a nd,' and all you hafta do is is delete (and that means erase or kill) the gap [space] 'tween the 'a' and the 'n', giving you [and me] the term [word], 'and'
So why do you think the ESL students don't understand your posts?
'Cause of all my abbr, wild punct, and tendency to leave out detail that might 'fuse the esl, with my mot sincere apolos