For starters, I was born at a very early age and . . . .
roger you're so good at writing cliff hangers.
see profile for my profile
Hey Seed? Thanks for noticing.
Seed wrote:......and much like Slappy i returned a movie that i hadnt rewinded. i was then place in a dark room and whipped and flogged. i must say it was the best day of my life. I highly recommend it.
If you loved what they did to you when you did not rewind yr tape - try returning yr DVD like that !! What they do to you then is pure bliss
i notice alot Roger
And Prince... i must try that some time... but only if you and I turn it in together :-D
ok ok... slappy you can be there too
swallowed by the cracks better stick around. I just found this thread. Am I star material enough to spill?
please Dish Cav.. by all means please do
I'll just start by saying I WISH I had been raised by wolves, or gorillas...
Always happy,
Always gay,
Looking for love?
No F***ing way,
Olive skinned,
Freaky nature,
Twinkling eyes,
Solid future,
Ready to party,
Yng at heart,
Doles out fun,
Free on the mart,
if for one night,
you can be mine,
don't be shy,
drop me a line !
George wrote:...instead of...
<shudders> Blue-Footed Boobies...
cavfancier wrote:I'll just start by saying I WISH I had been raised by wolves, or gorillas...
But we thought you were, how misleading
I, on the other hand, was raised by a Newfie.
So don't cry on my shoulder.
Got any Newfie jokes George?
Just after confederation much better health care came to the great
majority of Newfoundlanders. One doctor was checking out old Mrs.
Purdy, who was seeing a doctor for the first time in her life. One of his
questions was "And Madam, have you ever been bed-ridden?".
"T'ousands of times me son. And twice in a dory!".
Heeven wrote:Well slapster, I just realized my profile was blank and filled it in. Nice to see our resident jack-off-all-trades has made his presence known. Nice little story man. Made me tear up there for a minute but then I got over it. Time to pack up my crap and go since I have to shop for diet food - yes you heard me. I am going on a diet and having given up ciggies also, I am not looking forward to being around myself for a while. BTW slappy I'll be one of those ugly 300lb women waiting for a chance to jump all over you - not for sex, but because I too like to beat up other peoples pets. Kicky let you off the leash again?
Heeven, have you visited this thread? It's worked for a number of people.