Mon 28 Oct, 2002 05:04 pm
Has anyone else been fascinated by the stories of the African lioness who "adopts" antelope children?
Last week I read that she's on her fifth onyx calf--and that she is permitting the "real" mother to nurse the baby.
The park rangers in Narobi aren't sure whether to humor Ms. Lioness or discourage her kidnapping.
I've definitely been fascinated. Last I read she had eaten a calf, but after it died. I wonder if she's realizing they die if they don't get food...
Ya know what I immediately thought, though? Domestication. We're awfully nice to our cows and pigs before we eat 'em. I really wonder if "motherhood" has anything to do with it.
I remember from Joseph Campbell's work on myth an account of a northern Japanese tribe that raised a bear cub every year with loving care and much pampering.
Come ceremonial time, the members of the tribe would come up and whisper to the bear tender thoughts and messages for the gods.
Then the bear was slaughtered, roasted and eaten.
In the same breath I suppose are those animals who have a maternal bond with something not even living, a phantom peregnancy. My first dog was ver very attached in a parental loving way to a Noddy Doll! She pined for days when we took it away as she was becoming aggressive when we came near it.
And, with this, she did not feed it, it did not move, but yet she felt she was its mother. There was also a woman in America who had been pregnant for 14 months before she and her doctors realised it was infact phantom.
So, hormones or heart?