The next Mega Tsunami possibility

Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:51 pm
Watching the Discovery channel about the Mega Tsunami - wow
According to the guys that study these things the next giant one could
start in the Canary Islands:
The next Tsunami ??
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,308 • Replies: 11
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:58 pm
What will happen when the volcano on La Palma collapses? Scientists predict that it will generate a wave that will be almost inconceivably destructive, far bigger than anything ever witnessed in modern times. It will surge across the entire Atlantic in a matter of hours, engulfing the whole US east coast, sweeping away everything in its path up to 20km inland. Boston would be hit first, followed by New York, then all the way down the coast to Miami and the Caribbean.

Mega-tsunami: Wave of Destruction
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 08:02 pm
This is just educational stuff - in light of the past tragedy.
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 08:04 pm
The sea floor is a dynamic place - I'd guess a tsunami could happen anywhere and without much reason.
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 08:08 pm
if you get a west coast feed of Discovery - you should tune in
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 08:14 pm
I don't get any stations.
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 09:13 pm
Yeah I saw that doc commented on three times in the week after the tsunami - BBC doc originally, right?

That volcano apparently could collapse any random moment - in a thousand years, tomorrow. The resulting tsunami waves would have a speed not of several hundred kilometres like the one in Asia, but a few thousand. Which would leave inhabitants of NY etc about an hours or two to get inland. Kinda like The Day After Tomorrow, but then with water instead of ice. Shocked

More alarming "any moment now" stories of unimaginable scope in this TNR article ...
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 10:27 pm
cannot read that
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 11:53 pm
Oh for pete's sake.

Or you might get run over by a herd of elephants, four zebras and a bus, tomorrow.

Life is risky, and nobody gets out alive.
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Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 08:55 am
husker wrote:
cannot read that

Oh OK, here it is. Doesnt address the La Palma one (which seems to be a little more immediate), but lots of other disaster scenarios ... with one practical solution.

Elements of Surprise

by Gregg Easterbrook

Only at TNR Online
Post date: 01.07.05

Nature does not know best," the ecologist Rene Dubos--best known for coining the expression "think globally, act locally"--once wrote. Dubos's worry was that the environmental movement was beginning to depict the natural condition as Edenic and benign, when in fact nature is a mass murderer. The Indian Ocean tsunami tragedy ought to be seen as a reminder that the Earth can be a very dangerous place to live.

Set aside disease as a concern, though disease has been, since humanity appeared, its greatest adversary. An estimated 60 million men and women were killed by wars in the twentieth century, a horrible accounting; in the same period, at least 1 billion people died owing to disease. (The figure is for early deaths from communicated disease, not deaths in old age from degenerative disease.) But progress against disease has been steady--vaccines, antibiotics, and better public sanitation have caused most rates of disease to go into decline. Even taking into account emergencies such as AIDS in Africa and Asia, it seems reasonable to hope that through the twenty-first century, disease will continue to decrease as a cause of death, even in the developing world. Future generations may view infectious illness as a relatively minor worry. The trends here have turned positive because disease may be opposed by technology and medical knowledge.

Natural disasters, on the other hand, cannot be immunized against and perhaps cannot be stopped. Some 240,000 dead in the 1976 China earthquake; about 300,000 killed by the 1970 Bangladesh cyclone; some 30,000 killed by the 1954 Yangtze River flood; perhaps 110,000 dead in the 1948 Soviet Union earthquake. Productivity and planning might reduce the harm done by natural disasters--anti-earthquake building engineering, for example. But unlike in the realm of disease, where it is realistic to forecast that people can outsmart the underlying problem, there is no foreseeable technology that could prevent earthquakes, hurricanes, or similar deadly expressions of natural energy. We might eventually think our way out of letting microbes make us sick; we're not going to think our way out of weather and tectonic forces.

Now consider that natural disasters of recent centuries have been mild by the standards of history. In fact, it may be that one reason human civilization has prospered during what academics now call the "common era" is that natural disasters have been relatively few, the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and other horrible events notwithstanding. Most likely it is sheer chance that catastrophic natural harm has been rare in the common era, and though humanity's good luck may last, our good luck could easily change to bad. More important, many natural disasters of the past have been far worse than anything that has occurred since writing was invented. That may be another reason civilization is here--mega-disasters have not happened "recently," in geologic terms. That may not last, either.

Most people are aware, at least, that asteroid and comet strikes happened in the far past and might happen again: Let's leave that topic for last. Consider first that the civilization centuries have been almost entirely spared the ravages of volcanism. Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption in the year 79, and much of the world had a frigid winter following the Krakatau volcanic explosion in Indonesia in 1883. But these were children's sparklers compared to eruptions of the past. A mega-volcano called Toba exploded near Sumatra about 73,000 years ago. All life was devastated for dozens of miles in all directions--devastation equivalent to the explosions of multiple nuclear bombs. The Toba eruption pumped an estimated five billion tons of sulfuric acid into the atmosphere, which would have caused global acid rain corrosive enough to singe the flesh. Evidence suggests Toba put so much sun-blocking ash into the atmosphere that global temperatures fell nine degrees Fahrenheit for several years, and nine degrees is the difference between current climate and the climate of the Pleistocene ice age. The Toba mega-eruption probably caused mass deaths across the world, and a similar mega-eruption might kill huge numbers today.

Going further back, there have been entire eras of mega-volcanism. Much of India sits on a basalt formation geologists call the Deccan Traps. Hundreds or thousands of huge volcanoes are once believed to have erupted in this region and to have kept erupting for many millennia--not single eruptions like in the movies, or single explosions such as Mount Saint Helens in 1980, but entire volcanic regions continuously active for hundreds or thousands of years. An even longer era of global volancism created the huge basalt formation called the Siberian Traps, which forms most of the surface of Siberia. Each of these volcanic eras would have caused an ice age, choking global smog, and global acid rain that burns the skin.

The Deccan Traps occurred about 65 million years ago--the same time the dinosuars fell extinct. Some researchers think the comet usually blamed for the dinosaurs' disappearance struck with such violence that it cracked tectonic plates, setting in motion unimaginable seismic upheaval; other researchers think the volcanoes themselves were the cause of the mass extinction, the comet strike of the same period a coincidence. The Siberian Traps occurred about 250 million years ago, and coincided with the "Permian extinction," the disappearance of 98 percent of known life forms--a much worse event than the extinction of the dinosaur period. And don't think volcanos bursting everywhere at once could only have happened in the primordial mists of the young Earth. Our world is 4.5 billion years old; that means the Siberian volcanos occurred when the planet was 94 percent of its present age, and the Deccan volcanoes occurred when the planet was 99 percent of its present age. There's no reason to believe that the geologic stresses that cause volcansim are in decline--Earth's core is thought to have lost only a fraction of its heat since the planet was formed. If regional volcanism began in our era, for parts of the world the effects would be similar to general nuclear war.

Next is the possibility of a magnetic field collapse, which must not be dismissed just because this is a subject of Internet chat rooms. It is believed that on a cyclical basis the Earth's magnetic field fizzles out, then the poles reverse--compasses would point south--then the field regenerates. What causes these reversals is a mystery. (The magnetic field is projected by spinning molten metal in Earth's core, about which almost nothing is known.) Magnetic effects preserved in a magma flow in Oregon suggest that a field reversal happened 16 million years ago, but some researchers speculate that Earth's polarity may change as often as every 10,000 years. Recent data shows that Earth's magnetic field has weakened about 10 percent since measurements began in 1845: whether this is natural variation or presages a field collapse is unknown.

What would happen during a magnetic field reversal? Charged bodies of underground magma might become repelled by areas that once attracted them, causing earthquakes and other seismic disturbances--it's possible that field reversals are what ignited the Siberian and Deccan volcanic eras. Any field collapse would play havoc with electronics. More important, Earth's magnetic field repels some forms of solar and cosmic rays. If the field faltered, radiation on the surface would increase, killing animals, causing cancer in people, and perhaps causing global crop failures. (Many plants are sensitive to ultraviolet rays.)

Another natural disaster that has not occurred during the era of writing is the "nearby" supernova explosion. When stars explode, they emit strong gamma rays, the most dangerous form of "hard" radiation. Astronomers estimate there is a star explosion about once per century in the Milky Way, most very distant in the galactic center. We're much of the way to the galactic rim, so supernovae at the galactic center don't affect Earth. But a "nearby" supernova explosion might bathe the Earth in lethal radiation, in addition to blowing off much of the stratospheric ozone layer, which provides protection against routine solar ultraviolet rays.

The most recent "nearby" supernova, Cassiopeia A, occurred in the year 1680. (Occurred in this sense means when the light reached Earth; the detonation came long before.) Cassiopeia A was about 11,000 light years away and had little impact on our biosphere. But 340,000 years ago, a supernova called Geminga, just 180 light-years away--much too close--was bright enough to rival the full moon and is believed to have blown off much of the ozone layer, while killing huge numbers of mammals, including many of our ancestors. Another supernova, Vela, detonated 11,300 years ago and was about 1,500 light years away, close enough to harm Earth. Past mass extinctions, today puzzling, may someday turn out to have been caused by "nearby" star detonations. If you follow archeology, you know that about 11,000 years ago, many large mammals of North America and Eurasia fell extinct--the wooly mammoth, the giant sloth, the glyptodon (an armadillo three times the size of a person). There's a lively archeological debate about whether these extinctions were caused by climate change or by people armed with new hunting tools such as bow and arrow. Maybe the extinctions were caused by a "nearby" supernova--and a "nearby" supernova might bathe our world in lethal radiation at, oh, pretty much any moment.

Now, to asteroid and comet strikes. The Chicxulub comet or meteorite, which left a 186-mile-long mark on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, is now thought to have triggered the instant ice age that killed the dinosaurs. But that was 65 million years ago. These things could only happen in the primordial mist, right? About 10,000 years ago, something enormous struck the Argentine pampas, obliterating a significant chunk of the South American ecology with a force thought to be 18,000 times that of the Hiroshima bomb. In the year 535, multiple medium-sized meteorite strikes around the world caused several years of cruel winters, and may have pushed Europe, always on the borderline of cold, into its Dark Ages. In 1908, a rock or comet about 250 feet across hit Tunguska, Siberia, detonating with a force estimated at 700 times the power of the Hiroshima blast. If today, a Tunguska-sized object hit a major city, the result would be the same as a strike from the largest nuclear bomb.

Estimates hold that perhaps 500,000 asteroids roughly the size of the Tunguska rock wander in the general area of Earth's orbit, along with perhaps 1,000 asteroids big enough to cause a Chicxulub-class impact. Comets originate at the boundary of the solar system, about which little is known, but there are believed to be billions of comets in the outer solar system, and what "perturbs" them and causes them to fall inward toward the planets is conjectural. No near-Earth asteroid or distant comet is known to be on a collision course with our world. But many have hit in the past, and more are certain to hit in the future. Astronomers of the modern era have seen dangerous-sized rocks strike the Moon. If asteroid strikes are essentially random, it could be millennia before one happens again, or large numbers of strikes could commence tomorrow.

I've left rocks-from-space for last because, unlike super-volcanoes or supernovas or the Earth's magnetic field, rocks are something we can build a defense against. Right now, NASA has nothing that could be used to stop a dangerous asteroid or comet approaching Earth. Such systems are imaginable; building them would require huge amounts of money and years or decades of effort. But what does the public get from the current space shuttle-space station project, on which taxpayers spend about $10 billion per year? Almost nothing; tangible benefits from the space shuttle and space station are hard to name, other than make-work for aerospace contractors and the astronaut corps. If the shuttle and space station were shut down and the capital from these programs diverted to an asteroid defense--enduring the inevitable Leno-Letterman ridicule--within a decade or two, the world might be able to protect itself from one of the worst of all natural disasters.

An asteroid defense would be a step, at least, toward diminishing the risk we wake up to a natural event inexpressibly worse than the Indian Ocean tsunami. Nature has the means to wipe us out. The tsunami is not just a humanitarian horror; it is a reminder that we should protect ourselves when we can.

Gregg Easterbrook is a senior editor at TNR and a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution.
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Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 11:19 am
dlowan wrote:
Or you might get run over by a herd of elephants, four zebras and a bus, tomorrow.

and then swept away by a tsunami.

After the Elephants, will I care much about the Zebras and the Bus?
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 09:28 am
In the current issue of Nature (I'm going to copy a fair bit of it, as the archives aren't all free)

Aceh-Andaman earthquake: What happened and what's next?


Kerry Sieh is at the Tectonic Observatory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA.
e-mail: [email protected]

The huge earthquake of 26 December 2004 and ensuing tsunami were caused by a submarine rupture running from offshore Aceh, Indonesia, to the Andaman Islands. A clearer picture of events is starting to emerge

Nature link

As the human drama of the Aceh-Andaman earthquake and tsunami unfolded in the last days of 2004, laymen and scientists began scrambling to understand what had caused these gigantic disturbances of Earth's crust and seas. One of the earliest clues was the delineation, within just hours of the mainshock, of a band of large aftershocks arcing 1,300 km from northern Sumatra almost as far as Myanmar (Burma)1. This seemed to signal that about 25% of the Sunda megathrust, the great tectonic boundary along which the Australian and Indian plates begin their descent beneath Southeast Asia, had ruptured. In less than a day, however, analyses of seismic 'body' waves2 were indicating that the length of the rupture was only about 400 km.

This early controversy about the length of the megathrust rupture created a gnawing ambiguity about future dangers to populations around the Bay of Bengal. If only 400 km of the great fault had ruptured, large unfailed sections might be poised to deliver another tsunami. If, on the other hand, most of the submarine fault had broken, then the chances of such a disaster were much smaller.

In this issue, Ni, Kanamori and Helmberger (page 582)3 explain why early analyses grossly underestimated the rupture length, and they present an analysis of high-frequency (2-4 Hz) seismic signals that clearly shows northward propagation of the rupture for a distance of about 1,200 km. Also in this issue, Stein and Okal (page 581)4 argue that early estimates of the magnitude1, 2 were far too low. Using extremely long-period seismic 'normal mode' waves, they calculate that the earthquake's magnitude was 9.3, about three times larger than initial estimates of 9.0 (given the logarithmic nature of earthquake-magnitude scales). This much larger size is consistent with slip averaging about 13 m along a 1,200-km rupture, assuming that much of the slippage occurred too slowly to be seen in shorter-wavelength seismograms. Thus, they claim the long-versus-short rupture controversy is solved and that there is no need to worry about another giant earthquake and tsunami originating along this long section of the fault.

These two reports3, 4 are among the first published analyses of what is destined to be one of the most important earthquakes of the century. Over the next year or two, figuring out what happened will be a showcase both of what modern observations and analysis can do and of the multidisciplinary nature of modern earthquake science5. In the months ahead, much more will be learned about this giant event. Satellite imagery and field measurements of dramatically uplifted and submerged coastlines (Fig. 1)6, 7 and the movement of Global Positioning System geodetic stations8, as well as tsunami records, will all add constraints on the areal extent of the rupture and the magnitude and sequencing of slip: these, in turn, will be essential to understanding the tsunami.

If all of the megathrust between northernmost Sumatra and Myanmar has produced its once-a-millennium giant earthquake, why should we have any immediate concern about another giant quake or tsunami in the Bay of Bengal? McCloskey et al.9 offered one answer by estimating the stresses imposed by the giant 2004 rupture on the two big faults farther south. It seems that the section of the Sunda megathrust immediately to the south, off the coast of northern Sumatra, is now closer to failure. Likewise for the nearest portion of the great San Andreas-like Sumatran fault, which runs through Banda Aceh and down the backbone of the Sumatran mainland.

The critical question is how close to failure the 2004 rupture has moved these two big faults. This will be moot until more is known about the history of their past ruptures. It will be necessary to learn how the Sumatran parts of the megathrust are segmented structurally, and how they have behaved in the past. Immediately south of the 2004 rupture, for example, it appears from the historical record that there were very large earthquakes in 1861 and 190710. Where on the megathrust were these ruptures, and how often and how regularly do they recur? Palaeoseismic data are available only for a 700-km-long section farther away, from about 1° to 5° south of the Equator. Giant earthquakes and tsunamis occur there about every 200-230 years, sometimes as a single giant earthquake, sometimes as two in relatively quick succession, as happened in 1797 and 183311, 12.

Big faults on the northern flank of the 2004 rupture also pose a hazard; the northern extension of the 2004 rupture continues for another 1,000 km, up the west coast of Myanmar, well past Bangladesh to the eastern end of the Himalayas. Too little is known of its long-term history to provide a meaningful assessment of its future behaviour. Moreover, long sections of the enormous thrust fault along which India is diving down beneath the Himalayas have not failed for centuries and are only one to three fault-lengths away from the 2004 rupture.

It is sobering to realize that big earthquakes sometimes occur in clusters (for example, seven of the ten giant earthquakes of the twentieth century occurred between 1950 and 1965, and five of these occurred around the northern Pacific margin)13. Because many of the giant faults in the Aceh-Andaman neighbourhood have been dormant for a very long time, it is quite plausible that the recent giant earthquake and tsunami may not be the only disastrous twenty-first-century manifestation of the Indian plate's unsteady tectonic journey northward.

1. http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/poster/2004/20041226_image.html
2. http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~jichen/Earthquake/2004/aceh/aceh.html; http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/sanchu/Seismo_Note (in Japanese).
3. Ni, S., Kanamori, H. & Helmberger, D. Nature 434, 582 (2005).
4. Stein, S. & Okal, E. A. Nature 434, 581−582 (2005).
5. Committee on the Science of Earthquakes Living on an Active Earth: Perspectives on Earthquake Science (Natl Academies Press, Washington DC, 2002).
6. http://www.tectonics.caltech.edu/sumatra/main/data.html
7. Bilham, R. Preprint at http://cires.colorado.edu/~bilham
8. http://www.seires.net/content/view/122/52
9. McCloskey, J., Nalbant, S. S. & Steacy, S. Nature 434, 291 (2005). | Article |
10. Newcomb, K. R. & McCann, W. R. J. Geophys. Res. 92, 421−439 (1987).
11. Sieh, K., Natawidjaja, D., Chlieh, M., Galetzka, J. & Avouac, J. -P. Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstr. T12B-04 (2004).
12. Zachariasen, J., Sieh, K., Taylor, F. W., Edwards, R. L. & Hantoro, W. S. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 895−919 (1999). | Article |
13. Kanamori, H. Nature 271, 411 (1978).
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