The ferret will probably love playing with your cat, the question is more if Cinder will love the ferret.

Often we'd come home to find him sitting by the ferret cage watching them. It seemed to be his favorite pastime.

While he loved to watch them, Gus didn't like to play with the Fuzzies (our nick-name for the 3 ferrets). I think they played a little rough for him, since our 3 liked to rough-house and Gus is a little staid. He's a "people-watcher". They liked him, and when I had them out to play, they'd happily investigate, "dook", and ferret dance, but he didn't enjoy their antics and always moved to watch from a distance.
When 2 of our ferrets died within 24 hours of each other, Gus sat by the cage for the next week and he and Pepper (the remaining jill) just watched each other. When Pepper died 6 months later, Gus would still sit watching the cage. Despite not wanting to play with them, they kept each other company. Gus hasn't really been as social since the Fuzzies died. We adopted another kitten, but he didn't take to her like he did the ferrets.
This is getting a little long. My advice: it depends on your cat. Gus loved watching the ferrets- not playing, but I had a friend who's cat and ferret got along fabulously. If you are looking to get a ferret, they require a lot of attention and are a large time commitment, but the odds of your kitten and the ferret getting along would be increased if you do it now when both are young.