Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:40 pm
Will they ever be able to predict?
An interesting site about earthquake prediction
Here's a site from Washington University about earthquake prediction and the URL to read the rest of the article. There are many sites on Google about this. However, as you can see, earthquakes cannot be predicted.
The Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network
All about earthquakes and geologic hazards of the Pacific Northwest
PNSN > HAZARDS > Earthquake Prediction
Earthquake Prediction
By Ruth Ludwin
Because of their devastating potential, there is great interest in predicting the location and time of large earthquakes. Although a great deal is known about where earthquakes are likely, there is currently no reliable way to predict the days or months when an event will occur in any specific location. . . .[/color]
Even though there's an interest, there in no definite way to predict an earthquake, only detect it.
An article about earthquakes
There is a super article about earthquakes in the March 2005 "Smithsonian Magazine" - Seattle, WA, especially. Lots of info about quakes in general . . . which are coming to a part of the United States near you!
I don't know if this is on the Web or not. However, the magazine is availabe in most libraries. A great read! [/color]
They measure past earthquakes and the separation of land mass to guess when earthquakes will occur. They can't pinpoint the time by date or even month, but in general terms.
The Smithsonian earthquake article . . .
Gloriosky! The Smithsonian earthquake article IS on the Net. URL below:[/color]