why am i talking to myself?? where did everyone go again??? arrghhghgg.... dont give up people we can do this
There is not a shop that sells all the items in one shop and some of the items are unbuyable. or way to exspensive...
hmmm idk, i dont see any of those items in there, at least not right now...
I don't know. I'm grasping at straws here. I know that there isn't one shop that sells all these things, but maybe a gallery run by TNT? And the aisles could be pages? All my google searches have also come to naught.
I've been trying for hours and hours and still I've got no idea. I have no clue what these items have in common. Their rarities, release dates, descriptions, etc. don't seem to have anything in common.
how do you get to the galleries run by TNT?
Well a few weeks ago, Lenny 308, I believe also mentioned a "certain shop". But the items being sold were clues to games and the "price" was actually the game ID.
So, I know this Lenny is not talking about and actual shop, but I can't figure out what the numbers correspond to.
I don't know if they even have a gallery. I'm just shooting in the dark.
I tried searching old neopian times to see if question and issue numbers would play a part. Nothing.
I've been searching the world maps looking for the items mentioned. I thought Watermelon might mean Marrow, like the giant Marrow in Meridell. I thought the clues might point to different Neopian worlds, but still doesn't make sense because I can't figure out what world #8 would correspond to or even what item on that world. Not to mention, there are 2 faerieland items there.
I know this is mind boggling...
Haha, that's why it's a conundrum.
Well I g2g, have a meeting. Will be back probably later tonight. Good luck guys.
I thought I'd start again at the beginning:
Walking down the aisles of a certain Neopian shop, you came across the following items at the end of each aisle:
and remembered LC 308:
At a certain shop, a Polarchuck is available for 412 Neopoints, a sock puppet is 81 Neopoints, and a hot dog is 965 Neopoints.
How many Neopoints would a candle cost? answer was 1042 (game 1042)
certain Neopian shop certain shop
ohh man...too hard....
The watermelon is in Meri Acres Farm,the bed can be in Darigan Citadel...but...:/
lol the last 2 weeks haven't been...
I tried some more theories but they haven't done anything, anyways I pretty much gave up, next week will be easier XD
again end of aisle... end of word?
these are the each the last word:
Watermelon bed Kadoatie Brush faerie plushie novel
together maybe?
Faerie bed
plushie brush
watermelon novel
I was thinking along those lines too. There is a water faerie bed...I just couldnt find a pattern or make it work with all of the words.
I've considered so many different avenues, but nothing has panned out. I even went as far as item id#s, but they're all over the board. I thought about shop id#s, since watermelons are sold in Fresh Foods and it's shop #1, but that doesn't work for anything else (except Brightvale the Novel IS a book and the Magical Bookshop is #7, but oh well).